Berger Lives!

In 2005 a federal judge ordered Sandy Berger, President Clinton's national security adviser, to pay a $50,000 fine for illegally taking classified documents from the National Archives by stuffing it in his socks by mistake, something that anyone of us could do.
Rather than be put in jail, as would you and I, he was told he could not see classified documents until 2008. Clearly, the oligarchy lives under different laws, as well as notion of decency. You see, Sandy is now an adviser to Hillary Clinton. Good paying job, I bet.
We will never know why the Attorney General, the one viciously attacked by the left, did not put the felon hack away. The way Berger strolled away from demonstrated espionage should be a red flag to the rest of us.
Until we force our "leaders" to live under the same set of laws that the rest of us have to follow, being serfs and all, all the rest of the political hoopla is theater.
If we can find out who is behind both the Republican and Democrat acceptance of tens of millions illegal aliens getting a free home, medical, education for no apparent reason, we will know who is pulling the strings.
No, it is not the GOP wanting cheap labor or the DEMS counting on new voters, the latest wave of illiterates who will vote for any handout. Those arguments don't hold up to analysism though the voter argument is, at least, mentioned by Democrats as it sounds plausible, as well as dastardly, which is hardly a concern.
The question of the day, in your travels have you ever met anyone, I mean anyone, personally who said, "I am in favor of illegal aliens settling in this country as they like?" I haven't. Not even from party-goers who repeat what they are told is this weeks mantra. No normal person wants increased crime and expense.
There is something else afoot. My guess is the manipulators want the North American Union and find diluting our culture and resources is the best way to reach that objective. Without dilution by waves of demanding illiterates, our culture could easily withstand the socialist neighbors to the north and south.
The labor unions are beside themselves at what the Democrats are doing to flood the county in low-level workers. It defies normal sensibility. The conservatives are creating militia to watch the borders confused over the Republican inability to put up a wall or articulate what the hell they are doing.
No, the party members are not behind this stuff; there is something else at work that even the run of the mill politicians don't see. They just see contributions.
Contributions from the likes of Soros who makes billions by creating instability and shorting the U.S. dollar and playing oil prices. [Right, I am just being silly.]
In NY we now have Governor Steamroller, in the midst of a scandal, ignoring the legislature, the Democrats and Republicans, the entire media, and popular opinion, forcing DMV to give illegal aliens driver's licenses - which negates the control the mind-numbing rules of the past few years have put into place.
The proposal will invalidate the license as a true I.D., so it will not be accepted by banks, etc. under the Homeland Security laws. So, if you want a bank account in NY better open it now. Without a passport, you will have no picture I.D.
New Yorkers are pretty well-heeled and travel frequently. After this edict from the emperor, they will all have to spend the time and money to get a passport. Perhaps, that is part of the game too - a national ID card just to get on a plane.
Oh, but let's not get all worked up over all this conspiracy stuff because we have to worry about how President Bush is causing chronic fatigue syndrome and see if Britany Spears will get her children back. Soon, there will be another war to fill up the news channels. So, let us not get distracted.
Labels: Berger, illiegal aliens, north american union
posted by Gene | 12:34 PM
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