Tips and News

My choice for president:
March 19 (Bloomberg) -- Senator Judd Gregg, a New Hampshire Republican, predicted Congress’s efforts to rescind American International Group Inc.’s bonuses through higher taxes would be thrown out by the courts. He said the legislation before lawmakers violates the constitutional ban on bills of attainder, which restricts lawmakers’ ability to punish individual Americans.Keep track of him.
Money Tips:
Interest rates will go down soon, as the fed is buying Treasury Bills. This is part of the game afoot, see prior entry, and will be followed by a reverse dribble in the near term by the fed to create inflation, once it is sure we are not going into a depression. (OK, Greg, once it thinks we won't)
So, if you have any foundation, borrowing money in a few weeks is best, if not recommend (by whom? Me?). Recall, buy something with it - land, stocks, gold, etc. Do not keep cash in the bank. Once inflation sets in, the cost of your loan payments will be go down in real value every day while your investment will rapidly increase as a factor of inflation and the depressed markets.
Facts in Play
1. H.R. 875 and S 425: No more organic farms
Congress/Obama to make organic farming illegal ($500,000 fine if you don't use prescribed chemicals). Little video
This bill is being pushed by Monsanto, as the fascist government can order organic farmers out of business. At least, this will really piss off a key Obama constituency. They may wake up, in the dark of the night, as to what is going on.
There is talk about this law applying to your personal garden, that can't be enforced and will piss off everyone.
In any event, in true capitalist spirit, look at investing in Monsanto.
2. HR 1388: The Brown Shirt Act
3. Following up on yesterday: Since the Democrats specifically wanted AIG bonuses, before saying it was an outrage, and can't, yet, vitiate contracts by royal edict, the house voted to tax the bonuses at 90%. Keep this in mind if you think you are not perceived a slave by the Marxists who think they are progressives.
Title: To reauthorize and reform the national service laws.
Sponsor: Rep McCarthy, Carolyn [NY-4] (introduced 3/9/2009) Cosponsors (37)
Related Bills: H.RES.250
Latest Major Action: 3/19/2009 Senate floor actions. Status: Cloture motion on the motion to proceed to the measure presented in Senate.
House Reports: 111-37
Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act or the GIVE Act - Amends the National and Community Service Act of 1990 (NSCA) and the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 (DVSA) to revise the programs under such Acts and reauthorize appropriations for such programs through FY2014.
Revises under NSCA: (1) the School-Based and Community-Based Service-Learning programs and Higher Education Innovative Programs for Community Service (Learn and Serve programs); (2) National Service Trust programs (AmeriCorps); (3) the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC); and (4) the Investment for Quality and Innovation program.
Eliminates the current Community-Based Learn and Serve programs.
Establishes two new Learn and Serve programs: (1) Campuses of Service... (2) Innovative Service-Learning Programs and Research...
Includes among eligible AmeriCorps programs: (1) an Education Corps to address unmet educational needs; (2) a Healthy Futures Corps to address unmet health needs; (3) a Clean Energy Corps to address unmet environmental needs; and (4) a Veterans Corps to address the unmet needs of veterans and their families
This tax is called a bill of attainder, a much hated and outlawed process of the king, when we were a colony. I suppose we have another king, who apparently didn't read the constitution he allegedly taught (at least, he taught civil rights, the other stuff requiring academic credentials.)
"Bills of attainder, ex post facto laws, and laws impairing the obligations of contracts, are contrary to the first principles of the social compact, and to every principle of sound legislation. ... The sober people of America are weary of the fluctuating policy which has directed the public councils. They have seen with regret and indignation that sudden changes and legislative interferences, in cases affecting personal rights, become jobs in the hands of enterprising and influential speculators, and snares to the more-industrious and less-informed part of the community." - Alexander Hamilton
4. Cell Phone Tax Fairness Act of 2009 (HR 1521). So, you think you got a break.
The bill, which has 20 additional cosponsors, would ban state or local jurisdictions from imposing "a new discriminatory tax on or with respect to mobile services, mobile service providers, or mobile service property, during the five-year period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act."
The legislation would not affect current state and local taxes, nor would it affect federal taxes, like the FCC Universal Charge. The Federal Excise Tax from the Spanish-American War was disconnected in 2006. (Gee)
[Of note, the Universal Charge is Al Gore's tax to be used to put the Internet into schools, which was completely unnecessary and now is absurd. I think the Federal Government doesn't want the states horning in on its protection racket. If I recall, getting Virgin or Net10 phones means you don't pay those taxes.]
5. That's enough
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