Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

September 19, 2009

The fuse is simmering

While America sleeps:

Iran Update, Qods Day, 18 Sep 09, Part 5

September 18th, 2009

Shiraz -1730 (summary report). the people attempted to gather in Namazi Circle in the morning, the security forces were already present. The people started walking towards Setad Circle and Paramount Intersection. During the march the Basij intermingled with the people. The plain clothes security people recognized the leaders and attacked them suddenly, separated them from the crowd and made the leader sit on their motorcycle which then departed immediately. Many of these leaders were saved by the people. Many more were taken away. Those attempting to rescue the leaders were sprayed with pepper spray.

There were a lot of people present. The chanted “death to the dictator” most often. The crowd consisted of people of all ages. However, the security forces primarily attacked the younger people. The leaders of the security forces were mostly old men who cried, “let us arrest these dirt and take them away and chop them into pieces.” The concentration of military force was such that it appeared as if there was a war going on in the city. (There was.)

List of photographs and movies. These may be found on the World Threats page at You Tube.

Khameneie is a Murderer - Footage of protesters in Rasht and Tehran. At one point the protesters chant “Down. Down . Dictator”.

Large Crowd with Helicopter - Footage of protesters with a helicopter overhead fro part of the time.

Large Crowd in Tehran.

Basiji People in Karimkhan.

Booing Basiji.

Death to Dictator

Mov02315. People chanting in Tehran, Iran.

Mov02318. Longer clip of people chanting. Tehran, Iran.

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