Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

November 22, 2010

German Economist: Climate Policy is Marxist Action

I have been busy cleaning, painting, and working on a 1.35 million BTU boiler and am still alive. Then, I sleep, so, I don't get to "blog" much.  In the meantime, let me refer you to an article repeating what I have been writing about for quite a few years,now.  Rod, sent this along:

IPCC Official: “Climate Policy Is Redistributing The World's Wealth”
Thursday, 18 November 2010 13:16 Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental protection, says the German economist and IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer. The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the world's resources will be negotiated...

I wish I could monetize being right, but I don't own a network or the President.
It seems to me no one except television people and public school teachers still say "global warming" or "global change" anymore, but you need to keep up the "I told you so" about really bad ideas like those lest they fester in silence.
A media journalist covering the media on TV (not too inbred) pointed out that since the revelation of the climate panic fraud twelve months ago, there has been an average of ONE story per month on all the major networks referring to email scandal, usually an attempt to dilute it. It was only the biggest story of the world last year - in substance.

Before we learned that it was probably not really true that the terrible end of the universe will be caused by my old car, there were several stories a day.  I recall a news program with some guy complaining his flowers didn't bloom as early as usual - science at work. National Geographic's TV pap had an alleged scientists standing by the edge of a glacier saying it was "sick."

As when all leftist lies die, a new one is raised and the old one ignored. The death is ignored as though it never happened.
Greg sent in an article about the new resurgence of the "where the hell is the birth certificate" and in the article there is a long reference to Orwell's description of "memory hole" in 1984. Marxist's don't change. Things that happen disappear when events prove distasteful. As I recall, people also were deleted. 
So, the goal is not to forget there is no birth certificate and no global warming. (Greg reminded me that the Chicago Climate Exchange has been disbanded so I mention it here. I wrote about the scam often.) Go out tell tell everyone:  "I told you so" and don't let up. The politically correct want silence in the face of their madness. They mistake politeness for acceptance.  
Now, my new car company, Nissan, has an ad where a polar bear makes its way to some suburb to hug a "Leaf" owner.  The idea is that the huge critter is happy because the car won't kill polar bears.  I wonder if most people even get this absurd political reference.

I think most people are already on to some new worry, like starvation and foreclosure. You won't see NYS go into bankruptcy nor the pretend Marxist, Soros supported Governor-Elect (Working Families Party) missing a meal.

Say, have you noticed the gas price is over $3.10 a gallon. It was $2.80 something a month ago. Down the memory hole you will find Schumer, Gilibrand, Frank, etc etc screaming about investigating the administration about rising fuel prices. (I know, I know, the real reason for the apparent "increase" in prices is the devaluation of the dollar being promoted by the United State of Goldman.  They won't talk about printing money causing a new crisis.)

Polar bears are fine, thank you.

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