Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

July 26, 2011

So you owe, oh super roughly, $5,046,666,666.

Below is a letter I wrote to an editor of Bloomberg News who is responsible for a vapid article: Americans Disgusted As Politicians Bicker.

(The photo has a caption that says 45% of Americans strongly disapprove of Mr. Obama's handling of the debt crisis. This is not really a fair number as he is not handling anything.)

I hope my math was accurate.


I don't usually respond to site articles, but Bloomberg is a significant site that should attempt to stick to news and facts. In addition, I have become Cassandra and watch without any ability to interfere, still I am motivated to take some action.   
We are in a major crossing point, right now, concerning the nature of our future society; it is a time for grown ups to turn off the baseball game and think. Nothing is the same and we are sleep walking into the future. 
This article is not news, obvously.  It is some weird Californian reportage on what the writer thinks is important as supported by unexplained polls and anecdotes.  I suppose one has to write anything to meet deadlines and obligations. 
Still, facts are nasty buggers and the opinion of insipid people are not facts. For example, the Social Security trust has 2.4 TRILLION DOLLARS in T bills and has a mechanism to sell some to meet obligations.  Anyone who thinks there is no money for that is beyond incompetent. 
The US takes in 200 billion dollars per month in revenue and our debt load is 20 billion.  THERE IS PLENTY to meet our bond obligations. 
The president, in his grand class warfare style, is scaring old people and Bloomberg reorters with his irresponsible rhetoric.   This is beyond offensive.  I fear for our entire system as people have become drones and take spin as real facts.
I am an American and, contrary to the article's headline (usually a summary of fact), I am delighted that there is a deadlock.  The less these people do, the better.  I am on social security and remain delighted.  In fact, if the talks stall and the entire system collapses, I would be concerned for myself, but rejoice for my nation.  People used to know that a crisis requires personal effort and deprivation.
We are on the edge of a debt that will never be paid in anyone's lifetime.  We are on the edge of implosion, followed by the insertion of the state to save us from our nasty old Constitution.  The "billions" we are discussing are chump change in comparison to the socialization of our economy.  Permit me to use numbers rather than say "trillions," as numbers show the truth.
We owe:  $14,000,000,000,000  (and, of course, also have to pay current bills)
Let us say we are 300,000,000 people.  
That comes to  14,000,000 divided by 300 to arrive at the debt each of us as, even a one year old.  The result: $46,666.666.  Notice the 666 motif.  This is the begining of the debt and does not include trillions per year to pay for clerks and Marxist czars.  
I Googled "Number of Americans who pay taxes" and page after page appeared about stories who don't pay taxes. So, I will guess that under 100,000,000 actually pay any income tax.  Using that number, exactitude is pointless, we arrive at a debt of $139,999 per taxpayers.  On top of that is locked in future payments that I have read run from $250,000,000,000,000 to $700,000,000,000,000.  We reach the point where computation of personal debt load is not even worth considering.  It would be like trying to understand astronomical distances.  
Oh, lets try.  say 500,000,000,000,000 divided by 100,000,000 workers.  That is another debt obligation of $5,000,000 upon each tax payer. So you owe, oh super roughly, $5,046,666,666.
So, do you want to raise the debt ceiling?  
What in the hell are we talking about in this "crisis?"  This political game in D.C. is the last charade.  Nothing will ever be the same, so the rest of us have to think about how bad things will be and how we can apply for citizenship in Costa Rica.  
Five years ago, 75% of MDs worked in private practice.  That number is now 45% and dropping. Doctors want nothing to do with Big Brother and will retire or move into hospitals where they can earn a fixed salary. What does that mean?  Visit the DMV.  We will be told not to worry, as we can offer assisted suicide. The cost of socialism is your life.
The market has mechanisms to fix the profligate and stupid.  The stupid are turned upside down, wrung out, and sent away or killed off.  This is how we became the finest society in history.  Now, we have the government rewarding stupidity, then joining it.  The problem with the government is they do not believe printing money (aka debt paper) just to pay off the credit card company has any hazard attached.  This is moral hazard beyond anyone's comprehension.  This is the stuff of Alice in Wonderland.
There will be no default unless it is ordered by the president, something he could do in between dinner and a show.  He has no concern for our problems,  as his mission is to create a collapse of our system.  I won't argue this point, if you do not see this, you will. 
I realize Bloomberg cannot help being, what used to be called a "runing dog" or a "useful idiot," but I recommend reading Eric Hoffer's True Believer to understand how self-styled intellectuals are the first target after a coup.  Be very careful in you cavalier attitude.  There will be no avenue to criticize the oligarchy.  They know this and will cut off your knees before you had the idea that you may be backing the wrong horse. Perhaps, our "intellectuals" will come to see their academic fancy is forging their own prisons. 
After that, try The Road To Serfdom.  
Perhaps, it is not too late.  

Gene Cunningham

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