Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

April 26, 2012


(Simple, but take notes)

As you know, I have been wandering around warning people for years, now, about the coming bad times. I got many a rolling eyes and it was very disheartening.

I know people do not want to hear information that does not fit with experience, consensus activity, or hope; this is called a "normalcy bias." My fault was getting excited too early for people to accept what is coming.  By now, I expect people can see that we have trouble, though events may not be clear. 

A recent poll: Likelihood of Depression: 48% You must admit there is nothing you can see in your life that promises any hope that things are getting better. Whatever you do, do not listen to TV and radio news or the government; their job is to con you as long as possible.

Silver has tripled since I mentioned it some two years ago. You lose money every day you have cash in the bank. Gasoline increases to a large degree because foreign producers do not like our dollar. Our reported national debt is $15 trillion and there is only about $10 trillion in existence, in all forms. The best bond trader in the world says we really owe $75 trillion. If you had $10,000 in the bank and owed $75,000, would you borrow more money to keep paying the pool boy?

It is too late to fix our economy. A Ron Paul could, at least, soften the crash, but we have no candidate, now, who is competent regarding economics. Mr. Romney know business, can fire people, but that only a miniscule part of what we need, such as ending stupid wars. Mr. Obama has an adolescent understanding of the world, but does not care because he wants nice, simple state controlled socialism.  He just buys half a billion rounds of ammunition and builds concentration camps.

We are, essentially, screwed, so look to protect the family and community. Withdraw from the big picture, the big banks and return to 1950 or the good old days of Our Gang.  

When you are notified a tsunami is coming, you have time to pack up and get far away. Those who die are those who stare in amazement as the water in the bay withdraws. They are clueless and, now, that can kill.

I will buy Aftershock. Most people have more family and assets than I to worry about, so consider it yourself.  I fully expect to make a profit when things collapse. In addition, I am setting up a way for people to move their money into Canada. Remember, as they say, it is too late to close the barn door after the horses are gone.

To repeat many blogs, let me add a few thoughts that do not require study into economics:

1. Do not hold dollar investments. That is the exact wrong thing to do. Get out of the bank. Invest against the US dollar and economy and do not have any money in long term bonds. The stock market will do well for a little while, it does with inflation, until we go off the cliff. You had better not be in the market, then.
2. Buy "junk" silver. It is near 30 now. I have no idea where it will go, but I would not be surprised to see 100 in a few years. Keep it hidden.
3. If you have variable mortgage, get into a fixed one immediately. You will not be able to when inflation kicks in; by that time one should consider bankruptcy - if the laws do not change to screw you.
4. If you own your home outright and do no want to sell, take out a low interest fixed loan, now, and buy silver with it. You will be paying back the loan in very cheap dollars. This sounds very odd, but it is, perhaps, the simplest and most effective way to prepare.
5. If you think it is conservative to put your head in the ground, then buy TIPS. US Government bonds that will generally reflect inflation. Of course, the government lies.
6. Buy and store basic foods, seriously. Get heirloom seeds.
7. Get a weapon.
8. Be ready to cash in your silver or gold to buy distressed property. There will be

bargains in every area.
The easiest way to prepare is to think of life where the interest rates climb incessantly for years, well beyond what you think possible. Your real estate will halve. Gas could quickly, a year or so, get to $7 a gallon and increase. Home heating fuel will be your major concern.
Just think in terms of a 1950 lifestyle, a dangerous 1950, so create a bond with your neighbors.


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