Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

June 28, 2012

My new term: Great Economic Reset

The average private sector worker in America earns $61,000 annually in pay, pension benefits, and health care benefits.   

The average state and local government workers make $80,000.
  5 million state employees
14.1 million local employees

The average federal workers make $120,000 taxpayer dollars in pay, pension, and benefits.
2.2 million federal civilan workers
1.5 million military personnel (doesn't look like this will go down as we have many places to blow up.)

The Clinton administration found 850,000 federal jobs that could be done in the private sector. So, as an estimate, double that. The average savings to taxpayers when hiring a private worker instead of a government worker is 30%.

I imagine private military contractors are not included in these numbers. 

These numbers are meaningless without coloration. Recall government workers do not produce anything, rather they are a cost center, interfere with production, and mope around doing simple, albeit numbing, jobs.  Some people have interesting jobs: they blow things up and kill people and others track your email.  


Today's observation: I needed to send out two pleadings yesterday (each was 70 pages). I was thinking of using priority mail which would mean driving to a large building with an empty parking lot to wait on line. Lines are usually 6 to 8 people long and there is usually one person actually working and another doing the post-office shuffle. There are usually one or two persons lurching about in the filthy back area.

I decided to walk to a nondescript store front a few blocks away, across from the boarded up, beautiful, depression design, former post office that was abandoned for no reason I can fathom, to see if they could help with printing.  I counted six people working at a feverish pace. The company did printing, private mail boxes ($4/mo), and takes mail and federal express.  UPS too, I think. 

One person, there being no assigned counter drone, immediately asked what I wanted, wasn't sure, grabbed my papers. A minute later she told me to come back in a half hour. I did and all four documents were done, two were sent priority post, and people were still scurrying around helping each other.  The printing was .10 per page and the priority post was the regular price. 

The Great Reset is economically inevitable regardless of union action and employee voting for friends. I am also thinnking this is the Great Counter Revolution, but most people don't realize they are in a fight with an enemy; they assume things are just normal, but out of control 

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