Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

September 02, 2012

Best states to live

The cartoon is only tangentially related to the report below, but I like it, so it is here. This analysis is exactly correct as to the subtext of Obamaspeak. The real purpose, of course, is to secure a permanent voting block of takers. The problem is the democrats have not built up that class in time for the current coup to sustain itself.

Below is part of an article from the Casey Research people.  You can click on the name to see the criteria for the report, always essential to understand the results. 

The author wanted to present a list of places one should move or set up an alternative life to search for freedom, after he got reamed by the readership for recommending finding a new country to set up shop. He was right to say most people will not leave the country, nor could they.

Hence, you new home can be found below.  

...An impressively extensive report from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University titled Freedom in the 50 States ranks US states according to a proprietary "freedom index" developed by the researchers. A PDF version of the report is also available...
The first link above takes one to a very cool interactive map, where clicking on a state takes one to the state's freedom ranking page, which shows statistics about the state and an analysis of personal, economic, and overall freedom of the state.
Here is the ranking of the 50 states according to the report: 

[ME: note the bottom ten states include the key democratic (socialist) states. Have to figure out what Alaska is doing there.]

(Click on image to enlarge)
* State tax on income from interest and dividends only.
Gray = States with no tax on income.
Blue = Top five states with the lowest overall tax burden.
Red = Top five states with the highest overall tax burden. 
A detailed, state-by-state analysis of taxes is found available from a different source. 
I have written before in this space about the importance of residing in a low-tax state. The numbers show that low-tax states have faster population growth, greater employment growth, and higher growth in gross state product. The result is a higher standard of living. 
No surprise that the growth in state tax receipts for low-tax states also exceeds that of high-tax states – a fact that, because it is counterintuitive, seems to eludes most politicians. Reduce the tax burden on productive citizens and they will work harder, and the state will draw other workers and businesses from outside the state as well....


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