Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

February 19, 2013

Reply to Chris Gibson

This entry is sort of on point with the new me, but it does reek of being "ticked" off at our leaders. It is actually a philosophical argument, in there somewhere.

It is important for all of us to not go gently into the night of tyranny.  It is likely a lost cause to save our Constitutional form of government, hence it is smart to move your property out of the dollar and nation, but it is, nonetheless, our duty to honor those who struggled and died to create the life we have lived.  My call is for each of us to do anything we can to raise awareness, every bit helps, and, then, VOTE IN PRIMARIES for anyone who seems to understand the Constitution, parties are irrelevant and a trap.  Voting in elections is mostly a waste of time. The lesser or two evils, remains an evil, a brother of the greater.

As part of my doing something, I replied to report to voters from Rep. Chris Gibson, who many of us helped get elected over two years ago. Chris is a nice guy, but a company man who used to be the company's enforcer. (This is supposed to make one "conservative.") Who knows if replies are merely filed in a digital trash can, so I will publish my letter here. You don't need to read the report.  Same stuff.  You can gather the message from the reply, which is brilliant and well worth your time.  To wit:

Nowhere in the Constitution is the federal government responsible for education or ticks.

Feeling good about a result is not the justification for the means.  A republic is different from all other forms of government in that its insistence upon a means-test prevents tyranny.  This is only true where the people, including elected officials, understand that the Constitution is the key. I seem to recall our officials swear an oath to the defend the Constitution, but then don't read it because it is not flexible enough for them.  Read up on Germany of the 1930s.

If Congress has abandoned the Constitution in favor of feeling good, just say so and we will know where we all stand.  The posturing in defense of the Constitution must be for those who attended public school and don't know history, social studies, or logic. For the rest of us, it is infuriating; and our group is growing. For example, it did not waste its time voting for Mr. Romney.  The false contests are no longer interesting.

I will save you a committee.  Lyme disease is indeed spread by ticks, for the most part. Ticks are NOT born with the disease and do not cough on each other. In the vast percentage of cases, ticks acquire the disease from mice who are living off the environment humans leave for them.  I hesitate to say that, as the government may want to intern humans or pass a living carbon tax.  The GOP will be outraged about such a thing, then settle for a smaller degree of tyranny. It loves to compromise fundamental principles. 
As for ticks, guinea hens love to eat them in the location the ticks live, then, you eat the hens. Of course, the CDC will have a far more expensive opinion and recommend a national vaccination provided by a friendly drug company. As for mice, there are plenty of free cats to go around. 

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Eugene J. Cunningham, M.A., J.D.


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