Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

October 06, 2013

Mel GIbson Character in "Conspiracy Theory:" You mean I was right?

Greg sent me an article from England's Daily Mail online, upon a in interview with the Guardian. The Mail is like the Daily News.

I don't see any documentary evidence of the official stories of 9/11, the Sandy Hook and Marathon, Flight 800. Vincent Foster, Roswell Aliens, Oswald's background. etc. The lack of any evidence, coupled with stacks of contradictory evidence gather by non-governmental people, is what prompts "conspiracy theories," a term used for derision when they are merely the result of  attempting to place meaning upon unexplained events.  No one I know even listened to anything the government says - anything.

There are true believers, of course, and the uninformed people who just pick up tidbits without knowing they are breadcrumbs precisely laid in their paths. Black voters go about their business comfortable Obama is in office having no idea how he is screwing them.

If you look at my blog entries from time to time, you will recall I was, again, mocking our weather gurus who, again, predicted a heavier than normal hurricane season in face of contradicting solar patterns.  They may adopt a variant of the  recent excuse for the lack of global warming: the warming would be really bad if it were not for the period of cooling - you have to look back a 100 years (but not 5,000.)

The government, when confronted with discordant fact, changes the data. "Unemployment" no longer covers people who gave up finding jobs. "Inflation" does not cover fuel and food.  So, I expect "Hurricanes" will now be storms with winds over 24 mph for more than one second.

It will not be easy to shut down NBC and ABC, as Hersh says, probably being expansive, unless the new tyranny falls into the hands of a completely different tyrant. It is easier to not watch. If you like, go out of your way to not buy. Me, against all odds, I am removing myself from all things Google, the anti-Christ.  Also, don't buy any brand newspapers. (I suppose the Washington Times is nice to the Constitution.)  The news is all lies, so no loss.  I recommend Xinhua and National Post online.


Not ONE word of official account of raid that killed Bin Laden is true, claims award-winning journalist Seymour Hersh

  • The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist says that raid which killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011 is ‘one big lie’
  • He says the US media is too 'afraid' to pick on Obama
  • Hersh, 76, says the solution is to shut down news networks like NBC and ABC 
  • He also suggested the firing of 90 per cent of mainstream editors
A Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist says that the official account of the raid which killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011 is ‘one big lie’.
Seymour Hersh, 76, said that ‘not one word’ of the Obama administration’s narrative on what happened is true.
In an interview with The Guardian published today, Hersh savages the US media for failing to challenge the White House on a whole host of issues, from NSA spying, to drone attacks, to aggression against Syria....

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