Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

September 12, 2006

He's back


Its been a long time since I have been able to sit and work on my Footnotes. Much has changed. For me, I have work to do, which is a nice change. Hard to be a working class hero when you have to work. Change is sometimes OK.

The last entry into this blog was about the confusion about the difference between current embryonic stem cell research [a bad choice of words] and embryo research. In that piece, I mentioned an interview of Kermit Hall. Since then, U Albany President Hall has died, catching all off guard. Sometimes, change is unexpected and not at all OK.

It does seem that in the recent months the world has been finding it difficult to rewind to the delusion of 1938, though few see Mr. Bush as Churchill trying to warn those not ready to hear. This sad, but necessary change in world view will continue to evolve. Another confrontation is coming.

Iran's dictators don't seem to have read newspapers for the past few years and are imitating the big bark bluster of Sadam Hussein. The theocracy there seems to think having oil makes them immune from being taken out. Arrogance never changes.

I recommend turning on the 'way-back machine' through the citation below. In this remarkable collection of quotes from just a few years ago, you will be reminded that the current political opposition in the US was nearly unanimous in the need to take out Iraq, as part of the unholy trinity. Indeed, Democrats spoke with more force than Mr. Bush.

The current fashion, this year, is to turn up the anti-Vien Nam knob regarding Iraq and bemoan the quagmire, yadda, yadda. The opposition to our current difficulties is merely a pretense to garner the money and votes of the those who dislike themselves, the present, the cost of civilization, and hope for Camelot to be reborn. Senator Kennedy, the quagmire man himself, was forcefully certain that Iraq was a major threat and needed to be defused. He was not duped by bad intelligence, the current explanation designed to explain away a shifting of public statements. See the page linked below for his views.

I recommend you take some time to work through this page of quotes to refresh your memory that Democrats forcefully agreed with Mr. Bush on the need to act in Iraq. Even Hans Blix was worried about Iraq. After the next election, in a few months, the same exact feelings will resurface about Iran. That's when things will get really tense. Enjoy the [subway series] World Series while you can.

So, following the point of this blog, here is a spot where you can find the sources of some revealing quotes justifying the action in Iraq. I don't offer it as a flip-flop resource, though one does have to wonder how people could be so disinterested in public consitency. [Yeah, yeah, I know, they were all duped by the evil fill-in-the-blank.]

Rather, I submit that what Kerry, Kennedy, the Clintons, etc. said so forcefully three years ago still describes the position of the Democrats, if covered by election-cycle cloaking devices. The road to the future will, I submit, be clearly agreed upon, except for Gov. Dean, of course.

I will be a better pen pal. Promise.


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