Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

May 09, 2007

Gore fans ARE diverse

Check out the following comments which were relayed, called in, faxed, and emailed to Nicole Williams who became the target for complaints concerning the revelation of Al Gores use of 211,000 kw/h of electricity in 2006. She works for the the group that published that inconvenient truth was the Tennessee Center for Policy Research which is, as they say, a free-market think tank. Their web site put up the responses, names and all. Below is a sample.

I am not sure what sort of crack to make about them, they are so vicious it takes away the breath. What we have here is the venom of the True Believer reacting to someone saying their demigod is not wearing clothes. I can't imagine what the South Park people got for the account of Gore vs. Manbearpig.

Where do these people come from? Seriously. Serially. Does Al Gore get letters like this from the right?

1. Several: "Stupid, redneck bitch.
2. Whose whore are you? [This came in so often, she thinks it was someone's talking point.]
3. 100+ death threats consisting of "I'm gonna get you..."
4. ROGER MILLER writes, "Why don't you all go back to shooting one another across the hollows (I think he meant 'hollers') instead of trying to make people think anyone in Tennessee has an ounce of intelligence?" (Say, doesn't Al Gore live there?)
5. Get your snaggle (sic) tooth grins capped and learn to read and write
6. "W.T.F. difference would it make if he was (sic) using 1000 times more energy than the average household if it came from clean energy," says Thomas Grinnell, "Don't think about that too much. It will give your southern mullet a headache."
7. D. Hunter: You really should concentrate on what Southerners do best...Sodomizing and impregnating little children. (Say, doesn't Al Gore live in the South.)
8. Christopher LaBarge, a nice Catholic name: I hope you all die slowly and have your heart and brains trampled to pieces you small minded, ignorant, back-woods ideologues.
9. From Mount Laural, NJ, Rovert Dodelin informs us, "We should have flattened the South when we had a chance.... (Funny, that is what I say about New Jersey.)
10. BENJAMIN GREUEL: Go fuck yourselves you neo con, non-secular, bible thumpin, anti-science dumb fuck pricks. (I never heard of someone being accused of being a "non-secular" before.)
11. Anthony Black: You bunch of stupid hick red-necks. I am sure you are quite religious, yet you have no problem destroying His creation with pollution....(You see, say a truth about the god that is not praise and you are the anti-god. This is dangerous.)
12. How about you have a do (sic) humanity a favor and have a stroke.
13. Apparently, there were many anti "fag" messages. I won't repeat them here as they are so bizarre as to not be curious, just terrifying. (Tennessee has the faggiest fags, one wrote.)
14. "You people are such slime," says TJ Williams, "You are a total waste of skin and air. Help the environment and jump off a cliff." (You know, that almost sounds like an attempt at humor.)
15. Bob Beaver has a good one: "Find a hole and stick a knife in it."

You can click on the title to go to the research center's home page. You can then click through to many emails in pdf format for your enjoyment. The morons who wrote them actually had valid return addresses.

Feel free to write them, if you like, to discuss the logic of their positions.

Tell me we are not on the eve of destruction.

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