Shia "assassin" tradition: terrorism as a duty

Alphonse Karr: Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose
The news from Pakistan is that, as a result of the recent attempted assassination of Ms Bhutto, the government is battling militants based in the northwest, where it sent 2,500 troops into a remote valley Wednesday to combat followers of a militant cleric calling for Taliban-style rule. But the cleric, Maulana Fazlullah, appeared to be unruffled, and thousands of his supporters gathered to hear him speak just a few miles from where the soldiers were deployed.
Authorities have accused Fazlullah of links to Islamabad's radical Red Mosque, which was stormed by army commandos in July in an operation that left more than 100 people dead. That incident and the deployment of army reinforcements to Swat and the North Waziristan region touched off a wave of violence that has left more than 1,000 people dead.
I thought it would be interesting to look back into history to understand the culture of the "assassin," which is an Islamic tradition, originally Shia and based in Syria. You will see nothing has changed regarding the religion of peace and how it spreads power, sorry faith.
Click on the title to do to the source.
Arabic: hashshāshīn, plural of hashshāsh

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1071: Hassan-e Sabbah moves to Fatimid Egypt, as the Shi'i orientation in Islam is no longer tolerated in his native Persia.
1070's: A movement in opposition to the weak Fatimid caliph al-Mustansir is headed by the caliph's son, Nizar. Hassan joins the organization, and becomes central in planning how the caliphate shall be rejuvenated with Nizar as caliph.
1090's: Hassan captures the hill fortress Alamut near Kazvin in Iran, whereupon he forms the organization soon to be known as Assassins.
1092: The famous Seljuq vizier Nizam al-Mulk is murdered by an Assassin in Baghdad. He becomes their first victim.
1094: Al-Mustansir dies, and Hassan does not recognize the new caliph, al-Mustali. He and his followers transferred their allegiance to his brother Nizar. The followers of Hassan came to be at odds with the caliph in Baghdad too.
1113: Following the death of Aleppo's ruler, Ridwan, the Assassins are driven out of the city by the troops of Ibn al-Khashab.
1110's: The Assassins in Syria change their strategy, and start undercover to build cells in all cities around the region.
1123: Ibn al-Khashab is killed by an Assassin killer.
1124: Hassan dies in Alamut, but the organization lives on stronger than ever.
— The leading qadi Abu Saad al-Harawi is killed by an Assassin killer.
1126 November 26: Emir Porsuki of Aleppo and Mosul is killed by an Assassin killer.
1131 May: Buri, the atabeg of Damascus, is seriously wounded by two Assassins. He dies 13 months later.
12th century: The Assassins extend their activities into Syria, where they received much support from the local Shi'i minority as the Seljuq sultanate had captured this territory.
— The Assassins capture a group of castles in the Nusayriyya Mountains (modern Syria). The most important of these castles is the Masyaf, from where the "The Old Man of Mountain", Rashideddin Sinan, would come to rule practically independent from the main leaders of the Assassins.
1164: Hassan, the Assassin leader, declares that a new millennium had started, and that his followers were freed from the Sharia, thereby also Islam. He allowed all exesses, and had his followers turn their backs on Mecca while praying.
1173: The Assassins of Syria enter negotiations with the king of Jerusalem, with the aim of their converting to Christianity. But as the Assassins by now were numerous and often worked as peasants, paying high taxes to local Christian landlords, taxes that Christian peasants were exempted from, their conversion was strongly opposed. In this year the Assassin negotiators were murdered by Christian knights, resulting in the end of talks of conversion.
1175: Rashideddin's men make two attempts on the life of Saladin, the leader of the Ayyubids. The second time, the Assassin came so close that wounds were inflicted upon Saladin.
Early 13th century: The new Assassin leader, Jalal ad-Din retracts the expressing independence of Hassan, bringing the Assassins officially back to the fold of Mulims.
Å1256: Alamut fortress falls to the Mongols under the leadership of Hülegü. Before this happened, several other fortresses had been captured, and finally Alamut becomes weak and with little support.
1257: The Mongol warlord Hülegü attacks and destroys the fortress at Alamut. The Assassin library is completely destroyed, hence eradicating what would have been a crucial source of information about the Assassins.
Around 1260: Assassins seek support from the Christian Crusaders, offering to convert to Christianity, but this is refused by the Knights Templar.
Around 1265: The Assassin strongholds in Syria fall to the Mumluk sultan Baybars 1.
Where are the Mongols when you need them?
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