Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

January 14, 2009

British private medical insurance

Daumier, Human Weakness

Since we have lost control of medical care with this past election, regardless of the Constitutional restrictions on the Federal Government, you may be interested in a web site I located in England. It offers private insurance for those who want to have secure care.

BTW (Texting lingo) I was looking for a source of red yeast rice supplements, as my doctor suggested they work great and I need to get my cholesterol levels sub human (they are OK, but down we go). My friend Ruth is off the scale on the low end, so I will probe as to what she eats. She tells me every day she has a salad for lunch and navy beans on rice for dinner.(Too lazy to cook)

If you buy an extract in the U.S., you buy nothing as the FDA has had all the stuff in it that worked removed. Why?

The active substance is just like a patented, approved statin drug. Can't have people eating food without a prescription. They come at you from all sides, don't they?

I think I may just buy the rice and eat it, unless the food becomes regulated as a drug (like they want to do with Vitamin C). One could go to Alibaba and buy a drum of extract from China. Anyone want a few pounds? Maybe a trip to Canada.

Click on the title for the English site.

Saga Private Medical Insurance

Why do I need private medical insurance?

In a lifetime we spend literally thousands of pounds insuring our cars, our homes, our valuables and even our lives. Yet basic good health is perhaps the most precious asset we have, and all too often it is not given enough consideration.

The National Health Service is one of the best healthcare systems in the world for the treatment of accidents and emergencies. However, the sheer number of operations needed for less urgent conditions means that it continues to struggle to cope with the increasing demand on its resources. There are still a substantial number of people in the UK waiting for admission to hospital for treatment**. Private medical insurance enables you to avoid these lengthy delays.
**Source: Department of Health.

A range of policies

Saga has been providing private medical insurance for more than 18 years. In 2007, our survey showed that many people aged 50 and over would prefer to have private healthcare. With two product ranges Saga private medical insurance is more accessible and affordable for the over 50.

* Saga HealthPlans provide all the benefits of traditional private medical insurance through a choice of four policies.
* Saga Targeted Healthcare policies make health cover more affordable by concentrating on specific conditions that commonly affect people aged 50 and over.

The plans cover what we would consider insurance. The mid-plan gets you stuff like an MRI, rather than wait for months, a self-regulating cost feature of central planning. Once a person dies, they really don't need the MRI.
Saga HealthPlan Secure is our mid–range policy as it limits the amount you can claim for out–patient treatment to £650 per year. However, in addition to providing full cover for MRI, CT, and PET scans it also includes £300 for physiotherapy and complementary therapies following related in–patient treatment. Saga HealthPlan Secure also includes cover for the provision of home nursing and a private ambulance.
So, the young want free health care and the older folks want to live. Me, I want to eat rice. How is it our politicians are so obtuse as to what it is they are talking about? All that matter, I guess, is the rabble votes for them. You won't hear about the failing of the Canadian and English systems as long as demagogues can be elected.

As individual freedom dies, individual cunning will expand, like every prior country in the world, like in the Europe we are told is so wonderful. Life will revolve around beating the tax man. Only now, the rich won't be able to move to America to protect their money.

In America, we used to have the only voluntary tax system. We trusted people to pay their taxes, as it was their government. People just reported their numbers and paid.

Sounds archaic, doesn't it. We now enter the long cycle of history of people suffering at the hands of the controlling central government and its unknowable tax code. It will be too late to wake one day and say, "You can't do that. It is unconstitutional." They tell me Texas was admitted to the union only with the proviso that is has the right to leave. Interesting, y'all.

Like the man said, the founding fathers gave us a republic, "if you can keep it." Once these new socialistic measures are in place, there is no removing them. The people have learned they can vote themselves other people's money. Of course, they are also stupid to think there is a free lunch or rice. I suppose it all comes down to education, or the lack of it. Or, should I say, a training in critical thinking. All along, those running the mess will keep on giving themselves money. What is the next Fannie Mae?

So, get peanut butter and buy land far from the coming glaciers and dictators, say Costa Rica. Work on how to not pay taxes, not be regulated, and not rely on the web of debt without getting arrested or shot. The Amish understand.

Introducing the Saga HealthPlan range

Saga HealthPlan Super

Saga Private Medical Healthcare

Saga HealthPlan Super is our ‘top of the range’ policy, which provides a very high level of protection for in–patient and day–patient cover and offers unlimited out–patient treatment including consultations, diagnostic tests, scans and physiotherapy. It also includes cover for home nursing, complementary therapies such as oesteopathy and homeopathy, an overseas evacuation or repatriation service, the use of a private ambulance and even assistance towards some major dental work.


(One of the plans)

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