Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

September 27, 2009

Sunday #2

I lost a few more hours trying to figure out how to get my book Reality Surfing into a form I can use.

There is a long back story involving some 20 years of fighting software. I should have bought a typewriter. Books require smart software, it seems.

In the 1990s Microsoft Work did a brilliant job of losing footnotes, gone forever, and destroying the table of contents.  Nothing like updating software.  I had great footnotes, they even talked to each other.  I have not used Microsoft Word in a good ten years.

When I updated Ragtime, my favorite page processor, it no longer worked and all the stuff I accumulated for a long time are useless unless I buy a new package for some $800.  It was a wonderful software that permitted a form to populate a publishable document with images, with data, then recalculate internal tables back in 1987. I still can't duplicate that.  A wonderful example of moronic marketing.

I give up and will use Apple'aPages that will let me just drag an image and click to create a table of contents without having first printing out help instructions and burning sage.  I will no longer deal with those who seem to think a document has to be in .doc. I will stick to .pdf. For those who will write to tell me about the wonderful free software that works in .odt, I condemn you all to purgatory.

Anyway, permit me to offer you Chapter 1 for consideration.  You may think it is a trifle, but I wrote some 200 pages before revisiting it in the last chapter to explain what I was doing. So, I sure hope it is not a trifle.

Chapter 1: Everything You Need To Know

Reality is the religion of my mind.
I ordain myself as God
To rule over my domain.

Yet, we are fallen angels,
Pretenders to the throne.

I ate of the forbidden fruit.
I am the knowledge of good and evil.

Yet, we thirst for the peace of Eden.

From on high, my gaze is judge of all,
Pride comes before the fall.



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