Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

January 20, 2010

A Progressive Word

Below is a revealing blog excerpt from a "progressive" (i.e. Marxist) who was advocating weaning the movement from the suck-up Democratic Party. That is, who care about Coakley - written before the election. 

Like terrorists these people will sacrifice their own children.  This makes them effective strategists. The operative notion is dominance without regard for means - the enemy of my enemy is my friend, until I kill them.

Flip over the argument, most people will vote for a crappy Republican, but it goes both ways, rather than let the other gang win. The Crypts get their votes and the Bloods get theirs. From Mars, it is hard to see any differences.

This dull reaction breeds simpleton candidates and a nirvana of feel good policies. Elections are decided by the "middle" who have no political theory. Thinking they are superior pragmatists, they go by debates, commercials, suspect books, crowds, and so on.  

Sometimes they like people who talk tough on crime, sometimes on saving money, other times the need to get big bad business people, then to elect them. Without a political theory, they apply hedonism, thinking they live in a democracy. This may work where people are well educated and morally sound, but this is assuming too much to provide a history. (Oh, we live in a republic - huge difference.) 

The progressive logic below would suggest you let your weak running dog fail while you vote ideology, once you have gained a foothold. 

There is always the thought that the least of evils is the way to determine a vote (this is a Limbaugh view).  This view prides itself on being practical. Others, many of them, would say, let the gutless Republican fail and vote for ideology. There is much to recommend this approach. Look where the milk-toast Republican Party finds itself; it is the "me-too, but I am better" party.

The Parliamentary system permits ideological voting, but this result in a psychotic pendulum of governments and strange bedfellows. You look at Europe and understand why we like a yin-yang system, but clever people can trick voters in the U.S.  Unlike in Europe they have to lie to do so.  Ours is a "Parliament of Whores" as the book of that name describes it.

So, we have the Marxists, most thinking they are progressives and so on, leading the Democratic Party off the cliff. The political strategists don't care. They will actually push their army over the cliff when the time is ripe, and it is appears we are close to that cliff. This year, dozens of cannon fodder will be tumbling off the cliff, if they don't retire early.

Yesterday's Brown election may have been a tipping point as to the return of conscious voting. Or, Brown pulled over some Democrats because of his centerfold

 Progressives, please help defeat Coakley:
It is very important that progressives help defeat Coakley. Please read my explanation. The more power the folks in the Democratic Corporate Suck Up wing of the party gain, the more we will have to fight to make the party move to the left. I do not think that many progressive Democrats understand that putting such people as Coakley into power is worse than having a Republican in the seat. Just being in the Democratic Party does not and will not ensure a progressive agenda. Do you not see that? So, if you get her into the seat, what makes you think she will be any better than Lincoln, or Nelson, or Lieberman! It will, in fact, ensure that there will be NO progressive agenda. It was not the Republicans who failed us of late. It was the Democrats. We will never succeed as long as the Dem’s can talk liberal and vote corporate...
I fully agree with your premise, but the closest I can come to joining you is to promise not to support Coakley’s candidacy...
I think there’s something revolutionary going on: people (including me) are starting wean themselves of the Democratic Party, and the farther we step away from party politics, the clearer we see. It’s like having the scales fall from our eyes, and it’s a liberating feeling. Just my opinion.

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