Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

October 11, 2011

The Real World

“The market place is a crime and punishment world, and this Federal Reserve credit expansion is the greatest monetary crime of all time. Accordingly, the punishment will be far and away the greatest punishment of all time.” -
John Exeter, Gold Newsletter June, 1987 and James U. Blanchard III Golden Insights

Investment Advisor Roger Weiland

...The better advice we can offer is to expect nothing from these situations and hope for the best. Take care of family and friends, invest in hard assets and daily necessities and soundly cut back your standard of living. We all have things we can do without and would probably be the better for it. Be careful out there. Control risk first but work at enjoying the simpler things in life.
More than ever, it is important to take immediate necessary precautions to protect yourself and your families and friends. Traders and investors should be buying precious metals and select shares right now. (Bullish on gold and silver.)
Inflation in China is 10% - 35% depending on where you are. (It's a big place.) The Chinese economy needs 25,000,000 jobs per year to break even, so it uses slave labor. Do not worry too much about China's economic prowess.  Worry about its military action which are aggressive, to say the lease. Taiwan may be an explosion point, that is, if we have a president who will stand by it.
Germany has lent its weak sisters in Europe nearly 1 trillion dollars. Greece is scheduled to implode soon and will withdraw from the Euro.  In 2006 Switzerland went off the gold standard, so it is now dissolving. It is no longer the world's safe currency. Iceland has decided not to pay creditors. They are pissed. England made austerity cuts which caused the cockroaches to flood into the street. There is mass self-deception in Europe.  At least, we are panicing.
More than 28% of U.S. homeowners owed more than their properties were worth. Prices will not recover until 2020.
The derivative scams continue and this time the breath and extension has been worse than before the Lehman crash. 
There has been no reduction in spending in the U.S. and the drunks in office want more booze. That is their solution: take more from the productive. The democrats look to 55% of the nation being public employees, there being 44 million food stamp recipients, and, of course, the socialist unions.  Once they get 15 million illegal aliens voting they will not have to suspend elections.

As I publish this, there has been a show of bravado in Europe to announce they will definitely do something.  They do not know what, nor how. 

I am a suspicious investor. To me, this PR show was to do what it did - lift the markets as the talking heads have something positive to say. 

Once stocks are up and things seems stable, the people not really in Wall Street will sell and transfer their crap to the lemmings. This is known as "distribution," but you can think of it as watering your stock, look that one up, or fraud, if you apply logic.  Watch gold and the Euro.


Governments at work Dept.:  If we paid our doctors when we visited or monthly, life would be cheaper and much simpler. There is a deadly price for bureaucrats to pretend they are professionals.

as reported in the WSJ: 

...Physicians have been dealing with the 18,000 codes of International Classification of Disease (ICD 9), coding their patients’ diagnoses, and the tests and procedures done, all for the convenience of the government and third parties. Now there will be ICD-10, with 140,000 codes, 70,000 for diagnoses, and the rest for procedures. It’s laughably absurd. Is there a code for “Driven insane by ICD-10 codes?”....


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