Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

September 08, 2012

Progressivism's enemy: the flat tax

Investment guy Porter Standsberry has been been writing lately about the logic of the progressive tax system, the one we are "used" to.  

Today, he wrote of his forty neighbors on a rural hill in Pennsylvania who met to deal with the fact that a few people continued to use the private road and not pay the $50 per property an amount the community had agreed by contract was how the maintenance cost would be met. They decided that the contract will be enforced.

The meeting took an hour and there was unanimous consent that all pay equally; there was not a mention of progressivism. The richer were not asked to pay more. A deal was a deal and the contribution was fixed regardless of whatever story the property owner may weave. 

This not apply to out country, the one we own, as Eastwood noted.

Last week, he commented on Disneyland's model:  one price and you are in. (Apparently, it used to have a tiered cost.)

If every voter had an equal say in the government, then we would all pay attention and not shift revenue taking to the "rich," which sounds like a "fair" idea, as it did to Marx and U.S. progressives - but is it?  Is it fair?

And, to start with a contraction that is deserved, fair to whom?

All progressive tax is find a way to take from the wealthy and the productive and give to the unproductive, a wonderful incentive to not challenge oneself. It is how big government takes from the productive and buys votes from those who do not mind being addicts.

Further, it encourages the government to help the wealthy get more money. The wealthy will go along with that as long as the system feeds them. Warren Buffet doesn't care about taxation as long as he is not prosecuted for insider trading. 

Large companies do not mind being the large target as long as they can continue to have the federal and local governments make competition nearly impossible. This is the oligarchy I have been mentioning. Just try and market something that competes with Big Pharma. Try and sell  health insurance across state lines. Try to start a private school, for that matter.

We all saw the Marxist tendencies in Wisconsin where the self-appointed educators, which is ultimately true, imported goons to attack the legislature to stop the forced taking of union dues from teachers! The unions knew more than half their income would vanish under the new law.  They were fighting for power in the progressive system and had no concept of education in mind,.

The failure of the socialist attack in Wisconsin is on my list as a candidate for one of the most important events of the year. The nation was watching. The ramifications will go long into the future as the results become clear.

The oppositional argument is in opposition, but is not an argument; it is a subversion of the American tradition with a new system of socialism. 

Think carefully, as this is the key to the progressive scheme: create a fear and need in the people, create an understanding that government will take care of us, create an understanding we all must pay our "fair share" so the "government" can take care of us. This is not paying for a service, though, it is feeding a malevolent hydra.

Government's purpose become to grow. It seeks to control the economy and supports oligarchy, which, in turn, produces poorer quality goods, sends jobs to other countries, and assures itself of tax breaks. 

This is the opposite of what the Constitution gave us; hence, it is under daily attack - and is loosing.

Here is a Stansberry quote:
...As my colleague Jeff Clark pointed out in a recent Growth Stock Wire essay, the federal government is now spending $12,000 per person each year. Thus, to govern a family of four in the U.S. now costs $48,000 a year. Obviously, the overwhelming majority of families in the U.S. can't afford to pay this kind of bill for governance. They can't afford this "road." So to pay for this enormous burden, we're attempting to tax the incomes of about 10% of the population.
This has proven unworkable (big surprise). So now we're borrowing more than $0.40 of every dollar we spend. How long can this go on? Remember, eventually, all these costs must be paid by our economy. 
It is essential to apply logic, these days. Most Americans don't bother as we just earn more to withdraw. We mortgage, borrow, and project. The pie seems to always grow. Recall what happens when it shrinks and you cannot meet your debts.

Now, apply that logic that to your nation. In this light, one can see an endgame of some sort is certain. Then, once you see that, you will know, instinctively, what to do to protect yourself. (silver and peanut butter.)

The endgame need not be the endtimes. 


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