Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

November 07, 2012

Bye, Bye Miss American Pie

I know I owe you part two of Casey's article on how we are governed by sociopaths, at all levels, even our schools, but I am not really motivated about yelling about the leak in the dike, anymore. There comes a time when the leaks become pending structural failure and the stupidity, incompetence, or malevolence of the construction crew is no longer the issue.

That time has passed.

My friend Bob sent me a five minute talk by an accountant demonstrating the integral fault in the dike and its inevitable failure. Please watch. The presentation is not painful accounting, just sad. The point of it was to make sure you vote for number-savvy representatives. To do that, we needed a few million more people who are grown ups. To get to that point, we need a financial collapse. After that, people will pay attention to what they have and what the government, whatever form it will be, will take from them.

The failure is coming, now, and there is no stopping or stalling it, the two choices this past election. It can be triggered tomorrow or next year, but all it needs is a catalyst.

That's all I have to say.

Either understand what what will happen soon and prepare (and prosper) or ignore it and watch TV until the electricity is turned off.  Nature has an objective way to cull the weak.


Just some observations:

In simple numbers: if the entire government shut down, we can not reach a balanced budget.  All the talk of millionaires and billionaires and cutting waste is poor distraction that works because the audience is stupid. The audience will only accept what it believes.

Now, some may argue we could gain new revenue, the Leftist idea of economics, by using our newly tapped oil and gas, but this government of sociopaths thinks we should not have energy, just bankrupt companies to make believe they can use wind and sun to lead us to nirvana, where our last gasps will be rewarded by clean air. Also, I should mention we want to close coal mines and give the miners two years of unemployment.

I repeat what I said years ago, what I explained to Rep. Gibson at a meeting: the current administration is intentionally destroying us from within. He "refused" to accept that, though his colleagues at the Hoover Institute held that belief. It is obvious when one entertains the revolutionary mind set of the administration.  There is no solace in being correct and only sadness that the obvious is rarely seen when it is offensive.  The obvious is such only to those who are willing to see.

I learned recently the flavor of the term "cognitive dissonance." It is exactly what I have defined in philosophical terms, only people seem comforted by "science." There is a neurological basis for what is observable. Essentially, when the experience one faces is dramatically contradictory to the template one "believes," then, as cognitive dissonance has it, one merely ignores it. It is not there.

When "Robbie" the robot was told to shoot a weapon at a man in the movie Forbidden Planet, his electronic brain sparked and short-circuited. His creator had programmed him to never harm a human and so the conflicting ideas paralyzed him. 
Human beings often are presented with opposing thoughts also, but our brains have developed a way of resolving these conflicts through a process call cognitive dissonance....

Indians walking around the bay where Columbus first landed did not see the vessels. They were not able to; they had no expectation or experience. After days, I believe, a medicine man finally saw the boats. Perhaps, being a medicine man opens up one's ability to see.

Cognitive dissonance explains my frequent confusion when presenting facts or assumptions to someone about a serious matter, often politics, and all I get in return is a stare, grimace, or story that Bush did it. There is no recognition of the experience I offered. People are not being overt liars, a common supposition, they just cannot stop their brains from shuffling reality to fit its template.  My presentation of the notion is:

C = XV

This is supposed to look like math in order to trick people, but the concept is C, comfort level, is a factor of eXperience and eVents. Dissonance indicates not only a negative C, but a mental shut down in face of experience that disproves one's religious, if you will, expectation. I merely indicated that one would turn to drugs, booze, etc. to avoid the pain; I had not realized people just generate an amnesia. Makes sense in retrospect.0  Probably, people who are smart, or think they are, have a strong ego so they do not crack under the pain of the dissonance; rather, they shut down the perception and blame Bush.

It is painfully obvious that our president is mentally ill, but the nature of it is found here. He is a classic narcissist, but that is only a description  of personality. Cognitive dissonance fills out the illness. Last week, when he finished as speech saying he never leaves people behind, he may just well believe that.

Nothing you and I can do, anymore, except to secede from the union. It is over, as we knew it, so pull out on all fronts, disappear as best you can, and become a "prepper." If you can, use the system, get your social security before it is slashed, get a fixed mortgage and convert the money into silver'; the best plan is to crash the entire structure that is being used to imprison us by using it. For Gods sake, get out of the major banks. Buy anything, but do not be looking at a paper chair when the music stops.


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