Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

October 10, 2013

The Siege Against America

Here.  Read this.

From time to time I add two cents to comment pages on the Internet. My only goal is to focus people away from the sleight of hand.  The current stand of the House of Representatives is the modern day Alamo; it is not, as the left/media state endlessly, about playing a power game or arguing over costs or a systemic failure of Obamacare (which is irrelevant when the point of the left is to gain power, not provide insurance.)

The Alamo was a struggle for freedom. So it is with this stand off.

The article referred to compares the current battle with that of the Russian blockade of Berlin. It is a fine analogy. The Russians were not fighting for better schnitzel, they were fighting to dominate Europe by forcing the United States, for one, to just throw up its collective hands and leave Europe.  It was a bad guess by Moscow.

It is starting to look like the Republicans are coming to understand the Constitutionalists (or reading polls.) Sen. Cruz made his stand in the Senate saying we were at the edge of being free or under the control of the President, whose party will stay in power as illegal aliens and prisoners are given the vote. The House is being neutered and it seems as though some Representatives see the knife.

What is amazing is how slow these people are.


[Watch Animal Farm.  That one is 1955 version and the propaganda worked for me. The new one is superbly made and not a cartoon. I figure this will probably be shut down as it is a new film. Reading Orwell gets one the straight poop.]


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