Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

June 09, 2014

Henry's Law revisited: CO2 is released by warming, not vice versa

I was reading reports in the No. 1 blog, Watts Up With That, as I enjoy the comments. Regarding a report of the obvious from University of Edinburg

Eric Simpson says:June 9, 2014 at 1:42 amYeah, we’ve known for over a decade that CO2 levels rise and fall as a result of temperature changes, but there is zero evidence that CO2 causes temperature change. That’s the actual evidence! This 3 minute video is VERY persuasive, spread the word about it:

One of the keys of mass manipulation is the confusion of causation with that of correlation. Pseudo logic is an overt lie. Emotional links are intentionally drawn to correlations and treated as causation.

In the video, the hysteria over a correlation intended to show causation. In fact, the correlation, mockingly shown by Gore in the video, is that warming causes CO2 levels to increase. Soda gives off more gas when it is warmer than cold.

He does not address causation saying climate science is "complex." It may be for a C+ student in a survey course, but it is more likely the con man knew what to not say.

Here is the culprit as to the release of CO2:

Since ocean plankton is involved either as a correlation or causation of CO2, it is clear we need to exterminate all plankton. This will kill all life in the ocean which will eliminate fishy smells.

The image is another example of Buckminster Fuller's thesis that the bucky dome is a universal design.


urederra says:
First the last XKCD comic and now this paper. Are people becoming dumber? Hey, maybe it is another effect of rising CO2 levels.
Because solubility of permanent gases usually decreases with increasing temperature at around the room temperature, the partial pressure a given gas concentration has in liquid must increase. While heating water (saturated with nitrogen) from 25 to 95 °C, the solubility will decrease to about 43% of its initial value. This can be verified when heating water in a pot; small bubbles evolve and rise long before the water reaches boiling temperature. Similarly, carbon dioxide from a carbonated drink escapes much faster when the drink is not cooled because the required partial pressure of CO2 to achieve the same solubility increases in higher temperatures. Partial pressure of CO2 in the gas phase in equilibrium with seawater doubles with every 16 K increase in temperature.
It is 1800s Physics, for Pete’s shake.

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