Dangerous Fascist: Sen. Markey of Massachusetts
From Onenewsnow.com:
Did you hear yesterday's Obama lie? Well, I am referring to just one.
He says that all that information the NSA records and stores is not used. It is for use later, when a target is suspected. This is the latest mind-numbing lefty babble. They never seem to understand some day their infrastructure will fall into the hands of a right wing administration.
The Germans registered their guns in the early 1920s upon assurances of the government that their data would be secret only to have the list wind up in the hand of the National Socialists in 1933. Hitler's first act was to confiscate the guns. I won't bother explaining why that was necessary for an evil state to kill people. Those who do not understand, never will.
If a bill such as the one below were passed, it is time to find a new homeland. Seriously. Don't close the door on the way out, I will be right behind. Pay attention to the 1930s when Jews who could left Germany. Oh, forgot, it can never happen, here because we have guns and freedom.
Send this around and those in MA ought to pay attention to the viruses they elect. The bill below expresses exactly what the fascists want. it is classic Orwellian. The bill is a trial balloon, I suspect, as the House would never pass it, in order to see what the reaction is, so I suggest you give one. The bill is for home consumption, as well, considering the coming election.
This is the sad aspect. Markey is pandering to voters who will vote for their own slavery. They will, too.
Did you hear yesterday's Obama lie? Well, I am referring to just one.
He says that all that information the NSA records and stores is not used. It is for use later, when a target is suspected. This is the latest mind-numbing lefty babble. They never seem to understand some day their infrastructure will fall into the hands of a right wing administration.
The Germans registered their guns in the early 1920s upon assurances of the government that their data would be secret only to have the list wind up in the hand of the National Socialists in 1933. Hitler's first act was to confiscate the guns. I won't bother explaining why that was necessary for an evil state to kill people. Those who do not understand, never will.
If a bill such as the one below were passed, it is time to find a new homeland. Seriously. Don't close the door on the way out, I will be right behind. Pay attention to the 1930s when Jews who could left Germany. Oh, forgot, it can never happen, here because we have guns and freedom.
Send this around and those in MA ought to pay attention to the viruses they elect. The bill below expresses exactly what the fascists want. it is classic Orwellian. The bill is a trial balloon, I suspect, as the House would never pass it, in order to see what the reaction is, so I suggest you give one. The bill is for home consumption, as well, considering the coming election.
This is the sad aspect. Markey is pandering to voters who will vote for their own slavery. They will, too.
Dems want to mine for 'hate speech'
Chad Groening (OneNewsNow.com) Friday, May 02, 2014
A pro-family organization is warning that "hate crime"-related legislation introduced on Capitol Hill could potentially squash free speech and create a "thought-controlled society."
In mid-April, Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Massachusetts) introduced a bill authorizing the government to monitor and analyze speech online, on television, and over the radio, with the aim of classifying it as hate speech under the government's own vague guidelines and then possibly charging the "offenders" with a hate crime.
The Hate Crime Reporting Act of 2014 (S. 2219) would create a comprehensive report of Internet and other telecommunications speech regarding gender, race, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. It would also create recommendations to address such crimes.
If S. 2219 becomes law, it would be "a really big step toward a police state," says Patrick Vaughan, general counsel for the American Family Association.
"What they propose to do is capture and monitor everything that's said on broadcast or everything that's said on the Internet; they're going to grab it all," the attorney describes. "Then they're going to analyze it to see if there might be something going on that would lead to a crime in the future."

Markey's fellow New York Democrat, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, has introduced a companion bill in the House (H.R. 3878). Jeffries says such legislation is necessary to "comprehensively evaluate the scope of criminal and hateful activity on the Internet that occurs outside of the zone of First Amendment protection."...
The Hate Crime Reporting Act of 2014 (S. 2219) would create a comprehensive report of Internet and other telecommunications speech regarding gender, race, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. It would also create recommendations to address such crimes.
If S. 2219 becomes law, it would be "a really big step toward a police state," says Patrick Vaughan, general counsel for the American Family Association.
"What they propose to do is capture and monitor everything that's said on broadcast or everything that's said on the Internet; they're going to grab it all," the attorney describes. "Then they're going to analyze it to see if there might be something going on that would lead to a crime in the future."

Markey's fellow New York Democrat, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, has introduced a companion bill in the House (H.R. 3878). Jeffries says such legislation is necessary to "comprehensively evaluate the scope of criminal and hateful activity on the Internet that occurs outside of the zone of First Amendment protection."...
Labels: data mining, fascism, NSA, Senator Markey
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