Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

May 08, 2014

Hillary on Benghazi: My Bad!

Ms. Clinton's prevarication is easy to follow. One needs to reverse engineer to see why her strategists, including her Muslim Brotherhood close friend and advisor, think it is time to admit her prior positions were lies, see below, but that she is very sad about it. I suspect they want to get this out of the way early. So, never forget.

Too bad Oswald didn't have enough time to feel sad about JFK (assuming he shot him.)

This new lie will be waiting, here, when she is the candidate in two years, so you can retrieve it.

Her greatest regret, really, is the deal arming Muslim fundamentalists came to light,  the cover up did not hold for long, and she had to take the fall to protect the virtual president.

Did you vote for supporting Muslim murders?

In a question and answer session at Simmons College Wednesday night, Clinton listed the terrorist assault on the diplomatic compound in eastern Libya as her “biggest regret.” 
“It would certainly be the attack on our facility in Benghazi, and the loss of, uh, two State Department personnel and two CIA contractors from the terrorist attack and the terrible consequences of that,” she said. 
“It’s very, very painful and it was certainly the biggest regret that I had as Secretary of State. 
While Benghazi’s impact on a possible presidential run is unknown, Clinton focused on the emotional toll 
“They weren’t the only people that we lost, but we lost them in such a terrible, senseless, terrorist action that, you know, it’s just deeply sorrowful and it went on for hours, because the CIA annex was attacked after the State Department facility was attacked,” she said of the Sep. 11, 2012 assault 

Her comments stand in sharp contrast to her defiant congressional testimony in January 2013, when she appeared before the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee 
“The fact is we had four dead Americans, was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?” she asked.
The arrogant protest before the Foreign Affairs Committee was another positioning designed to deflect the inquiries.  One wonders if she can actually be truthful.

Many years ago, she was asked why her name was spelled with two "lls". She promptly responded because Sir Edmund Hillary was famous for climbing Mount Everest and she was named after him. This is a good trick as he climbed long after she was born.

Nothing she says reflects truth; all is tedious positioning and it seems to satisfy the true believers. Bill, at least, was a convincing liar. Her gesturing and adamant pronouncement was so over the top that no one can believe it was anything but a scene in  play where she didn't have a good coach.

Here is her latest stage gesture. It is meant to highlight that she is sensitive to people's feelings that is it a bad thing to kill people:

We are looking at serious trouble in the future as the low and very low information voters continue to install petty dictators. Giving the non-productive, losers, misfits, and lost souls free stuff will get votes, but America is not Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, or Iran. Americans are slow to act, but when when they stand and turn, there is no force that will stop us.

Current events are stripping us of decades of passivity. Read the comments to news articles. The professional gremlins who seek to spin comments are overwhelmed in the general press. Americans now have 300,000,000 guns and the residents of Connecticut and New York are refusing to register the rifles the press calls "assault." 

The subversives know all this. They are moving quickly as the pendulum is moving quickly against the Marxists and drones. The last election may have been the last chance to reclaim the republic; this one may be the last to prevent violence. Take the opportunity to remove all career politicians. All of them.

With any luck, we will survive the coming financial stress, put down the collectivists, and be able to rebuild a community.

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