Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

May 05, 2014

Coincidence in the Land of Oz

No, this is not the picture of the President.

It is the image of the founder of an Indonesian religious movement, Mohammed Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo, that, curiously, has offices in Indonesia, Hawaii, and Chicago. The sharp similarity of rather striking and unusual features is coincidence, you may think.

This man could have been Obama's paternal father. It just looks just like exactly like him. But, it could just be a fluke. However, the entire story grows. You can link to the information offered in a blog at the link just above.

After weaving through it, you find the crazy coincidence that leader, Lorretta Deliana Fuddy, of the American office of Subuh, that same unknown religious group, was appointed to run the Hawaiian records division after the Obama birth "certificate" became a big story, what with all the forgeries and all, outside of the main media. In a bizarre twist of fate, she became the gatekeeper of the Hawaiian records. Imagine going from a religious leader in a Chicago NFP to a senior governmental position in Hawaii. Even with such a great resume, the probabilities of these ongoing coincidences become staggering!

She is the one who released something called the Obama long form (certificate of live birth;) frankly, I think all the releases were determined to be poor forgeries, so I expect this one was, as well, but I am not looking into it.  I no see the point of showing the obvious to the blind,  The horse won't drink, so why bring it to the river? Better to let it die and stand aside as it falls over.

It is documented that Obama's mother, who lived in Hawaii and allegedly gave birth there, was involved with the religious Subuh before moving off to Indonesia, the location of the home office. Huh! What a small world.

Anyway, Ms. Fuddy began receiving subpoenas and inquiries after getting involved in the live birth argument. She became a target of those looking for information. Alas, she was not able to offer any information.  That always seems to happen.

In an amazing and tragic coincidence, she was in the crash of a small plane in the Pacific Ocean.  Everyone got out of the jet, including Fuddy, but she turned up dead, anyway.    Is that weird, or what?

No autopsy was had to explain how she died in the water.

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