Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

January 13, 2007

Return of the Geni - Iraq

Sure I have been busy, but the truth is I lost track of my blog, the password, my old computer, my lunch, so even a simple blog became part of the great roar of the noise failed projects in the back of my mind. Today I took a few minutes, found myself, tossed a molded lunch, and saw that Google has Gobbled Blogger, which makes life much easier, as I use gmail and docs.

I seem to recall my mission was to offer information contrary to the consensus opinion and its supporting propoganda
. Don't assume, by the way, that I am a proponent of what I report. Look at the arguments, not the messenger. This loss of the ability to do this in the US is a ominous omen. We better get back to logic or will shimmer away into the fanciful places we have read about, like France.

One of my favorite sources of news in lieu of the filters and blinders at the NY Times, CBS, CBC, etc is Xinhua news service. Your first reaction may be - But that is the official news service of China, which is sort of communist! [The headline is a link to Xinhua.]

True, but, you see, Xinhua is honest about what it is, unlike many in Western media, and, oddly enough the articles appear to actually report events. It is tough to spin the reportage of actual events, except by not reporting them if they don't present all the news that fits. So, amidst reports of the big ASEAN Conference in Sourth Korea (bet you haven't seen this in the NYT) was reportage on President Bush's new plan to subdue violence in Iraq, which our media likes to wail about to an almost unprecedented level. [I think the left once again seriously misjudges the electorate and assumes the last election was about "Get out of Viet Nam".}

It seems like the EU, England, Turkey, Australia et al are delighted by the additional 21,000 new troops. Huh? Isnt' the entire world against the anti-Christ Bush? Doesn't Europe dismiss America? Isn't he a dumb ass who 100% of the time picks the wrong option? Isn't the sky falling?

In the interest of professional journalism, an elective at Columbia, there are those, according to Xinhua, who oppose the plan: Pelosi, Kennedy, Russia, Iran. You can tell a person by the company he or she keeps.

Oh, Sweden has said something or other, which Xinghua reports, obviously having trouble with translating Swedish: "In Stockholm, Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt said on Thursday that the United States lacks the political dimensions needed to solve the conflict in Iraq."

There you go, the word from Sweden:
"He said that the increase may well help with security problems around Baghdad, but it is also important to tackle challenges like the inclusion of different groups in the political process, distribution of oil wealth and getting Iraq's neighbors to play a part in stabilizing the country." Now, lets turn to page 28 and sing Kum Bia.

Xinghua: "Also on Thursday, Romanian Prime Minister Calin Popescu-Tariceanu said that maintaining the troops of the international coalition in Iraq cannot be a solution for the war-torn country...I will prefer a political to a military solution," said Tariceanu in Alexandria.

There's an idea.

I have to go now and find Romania on the map. I think its near Transylvania.



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