Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

July 09, 2007

Catching Up

I have had a few recent requests about latest climate information and other topics. Here are some sites for those interested in and have time to research.

In preparing to send along this info, I see that I never turned on my auto email to members, so I have been figuring that I had improved the IQ of the world while, all along, my IQ was in question. So, go back to the web site and see past history. The last entry on Toronto may be of interest.

Oh, an update: the population of greater Toronto jumped from 4.5 to 5.5 million since 2002, the figure I used in the article. In that blog article I was expressing shock over the urban sprawl. It puts Phoenix to shame.

1. Recent warming not at all unusual - a summary of some studies. This is typical stuff never reported in our media (and who blames them, how boring.)

2. Canada's Financial Post has a series called "The Deniers" wherein experts in climate, not non-descript "scientists," who are "deniers" of the cult of Gore. They are not saying climate is not changing, just that the claims being made are borderline crazy. This one is something like No. 34 in the series and is representative. This series is so impressive, I will see if I can create an index. Bottom line, one needs to be careful of claiming "all scientists...." The article before this one, a leading scholar commented that there is religious cult built around Al Gore. It is a religion because there is little science.

3. For PHIL: Article: Scientists who probed two kilometers (1.2 miles) through a Greenland glacier to recover the oldest plant DNA on record said Thursday the planet was far warmer hundreds of thousands of years [what I read was 105,000 years] ago than is generally believed.

4. For DALE: NASA's director Griffith:
Griffith - NPR Interview: Interesting take. "Much" of the warming (1 degree C over last 100 years) comes from human activity - but says, essentially, "What Me Worry!" He says it is arrogant to think the recent climate is an optimum one that should be defended - and that we can't.

That's it. A cheapo way to report today. My version of Drudge journalism.



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