Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

June 21, 2007

Global Warming After The Hysteria

As I recently note, I have a hard time getting to have fun researching the nature of the universe, so, again, I take lead from Irene who sent me a link to the Financial Post, Canada's Wall Street Journal, which in turns send the reader off other sources. To go there, click on the title. You will find extensive articles that attempt to balance information.

It is inevitable that after taking a vote on the "scientific fact" of global warming and that humans caused it, many of the voters will realize it was not a good idea to tie their careers to sky-is-falling "group think," no matter how appealing it is to be in a club. It is a common scenario, as near as I can see. For example, as one one think these days, no democrat ever supported the Iraq occupation.

This sudden enlightenment has to happen to anyone whose funding is not directly tied to governments, lobbies, and universities. Left with no trough to suck from, they fall back on their personal reputation. The funded academics don't care if they sell out, unless you think that only tobacco researchers sell out and all other scientists are aliens who abide by the rigors of Vulcan logic.

It has already happened that those with tenure in specialties that actually apply to climate analysis, not frogs or Jupiter, are protecting themselves from the inevitable "oops." Many have spoken out about being offended by junk science, having their jobs attacked, and by being grouped into the true believer cult, as I have pointed out in the past. I find it amazing how their papers and comments are diverted by the mainstream media without so much as blush. It is much easier to say the sky is falling or that manbearpig is attacking, than analyze statistics.

Oh, the head of the NASA team that assembles all the data used by global warmers with pride, the guy with 6 graduate degrees who has been convinced that climate change is a reality, is now an idiot because he didn't say that humans can have much of an affect on climate change. Without quoting what he said, main-stream media did quote unknown "scientists" as saying he should resign for being stupid. Doesn't anyone get the danger of the "true believer?" There is one God and Gore is his prophet.

Society, that abstract idea, having been dumbed down and overwhelmed with crisis news every day, can't actually discern truth, so they buy into the messenger of their choice, which is the key to every murderous cult and war in history, of course. This time, there are billions of dollars being squeezed from the tax payers of the world, which is better than shooting them, I guess. The hysteria follows the pattern of nanotechnology and stem cell panic. If you can figure out the next false-crisis, you, too, can be rich.

It seems to me the bird flu could be the next panic, but 5,000 mg of Vitamin C every day when sick will solve that problem. You die because of scurvy. It is better to have a crisis about something no one understands except those "scientists" on CNN. The only way to milk this hysteria will be to control Vitamin C distribution - hey, wait, that is exactly what the governments and big pharma are trying to do. see Codex Alimentarius

So, you may enjoy reading through the articles the Canadian press has published. I hope to catch up to you. I will start with the one that seems to agree that global cooling is coming, something about studying mud, if I skimmed the piece well enough.


PS - I think I am going to take a vote of scientists as to whether they accept the truth that an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by external forces. We need to pin that one down so physics can move on. Oh sure, there will be kooks who deny the final vote count, but, really, if we get an overwhelming agreement on the topic, those who disagree should lose their jobs.



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