Stop the presses

For God's sake don't be pouring bleach on the beach. The bacteria may be innocent after all.
Dale Willman sent me an article that discussed the great hoax of the scientific journal article I linked to in the last blog entry. So, put all thoughts of mud bacteria out of your mind, at least until I can determine that Dale is the hoax.
The false article was brilliantly done. I was trying to remember how I found it and recalled I heard a discussion of it in passing on the radio, so I later Googled some key words and up came the piece, formula and all. I figured that was pretty good verification of the article's content! You wouldn't think someone would go to all the trouble of setting up a web site just to do that.
After all, it is not funny like the great hoax of the Society for Nakedness of Animals which advoctated clothing pets in public.
The article Dale sent me suggested a great new conspiracy theory - the alleged journal article was disinformation of the 1950-1970s variety, intended to defuse critics by having them champion a false position. Such a notion seems a bit much, but not out of the realm of some idiot. Probably, it was supposed to be funny - more of this Gen Y humor, though this did not involve killing pedestrians or cutting off people's heads.
My blog preface says something about not looking to the messenger, but study the message. (Say, why is is "messEnger" brining a "messAge") The point being one should not judge the veracity of a point based on who is making it. I suppose there should be a subrule - if the messenger is lying for malicious reasons, then you can kill him. This phony article will cause havoc for years to come as unsuspecting researchers look for the truth, not having found this blog.
Check out the link to Dale and his front organization located here in Saratoga. It is a front for nice people who care about stuff. I am not a member. Feel free to donate, as well, as it is a tax deduction (he says he is legit) and he obviously needs to upgrade from subway luggage - a garbage bag.
Labels: bacteria hoax
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