Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

December 05, 2008

Behind the Curtain

PHOTO: see article below. Active US combat troops stationed in U.S. for the first time, at least since the Civil War.

The quiet coup, while America slept.

Click on the title for an article regarding off balance sheet money organized to stop "conservatives," who are a "threat" to America, so the wealthy club says. Colorado is said to have been their first target.

Read the link over to the white paper on the various foundations. This is a long analysis pdf of state-based organizations, purposely separate from the Dems and Obama so their is no funding limitation. This is basic reading for an informed American, which means few will read it. At least, we can ignore McCain, now. The genius.

Note one of the "club's" first victories in an assault on Secretaries of State is the guy in Minnesota who is supervising the recount at this time. A month after the election, they still find uncounted votes, or so they say. Our politics, unlike the economy, is already third world.

Its not a conspiracy when an assault is organized. admitted, and funded.

My main complaint is not people disagree with me, or millions of citizens dead and alive, on a substantive level, it is that they work behind the scenes to cripple opponents without ever surfacing in a face-to-face discourse. This says to me, "I am wealthy and don't like it when people disagree, so I will trick them and get control." The Hyadek prognostication is correct that socialism and democracy cannot co-exist in one place and the democratic people stupidly permit their own imprisonment. The French say one can be too civilized.

Also, it is easy to trick people locked into a downward economic whirlpool. Americans are ensnared in government regulation and taxes. Their is no way out once we started down the cliff. Our friend, Obama's No. 1, said recently this is the time is ripe to make radical changes. People are distracted and open to the arrival of a messiah. However, you can't fool all the people all the time and things change. Let us hope people wise up before the brown shirts are formed. (Yes, Obama said he was going to set up an armed national, civilian force. I am surprised by those who voted for him - never heard that. Fancy that.)


By the way, still no one has ruled on where Obama was born. Courts are avoiding the issue claiming a "standing" bar to Plaintiffs. So, is McCain the only person who can sue?

Obama only produced the certificate of live birth, dated after his supposed birth day, on his web site and doesn't show up in court. Interesting coup.

Again, the argument is not that it is a forgery. That is a media straw dog, they are not that stupid. The argument is that it is not a birth certificate. A birth certificate is tricky. It says: BIRTH CERTIFICATE. People don't want to see the difference. Bottom line: no one knows what hospital he was born in or has seen a birth certificate, which will have the hospital, child's name, parents names and address. You know this "conspiracy theory" is not going away.)


Honest people cannot think in terms of a secret enemy plotting a take over, so they miss it, if not support the talking heads. This is world history 101. However, if they catch on, before it is too late, then a reaction in the U.S. is swift and brutal. We go after liars, if we catch them, because we generally run on trust.

Trust me, the clowns in Congress are clowns, to be sure, but they are only useful clowns.

See "Salon" re the stationing of U.S. troops in the U.S. The number was to be 4,500 combat troops (which would have been stunning before 9/11) but, oh my, they saw it was 20,000. Right wing people say it is moving to 250,000. Then there are NATO troops and, now, 10,000 Chinese communists here to defend their assets as the nation crumbles. I seem to recall we didn't permit our own soldiers stationed here and there was a traditional fear of standing armies; its a law or something archaic, like that. Must be old school. At least far left and far right agree on a troubling event.

A final observation from a right wing "nut:" You know the end is coming when a round of ammunition is taxed so that it costs $1 each

This was said five years ago.. Watch for the tax. ("Sure, you can have a gun, as long as we say-so, control registration, and ammunition is too expensive to buy." I bet ammunition will be registered too.) Of course, this may be an innocent activity based on the philosophies of prior advocates like Hitler and Stalin, who obviously rejected Jefferson's foolish observations of how America is kept secure. Don't forget, all these laws are for our benefit.

A few years ago, I talked with a vet of Somalia and the brilliant use of UN organization, and he told me two interesting things. First, when you join you swear allegiance to the UN (which has a camp like in Vermont, or is it NATO). Later, he practiced occupation of American cities, saying the greatest fear was Vermont because of presence of guns and people who will use them. I recall him saying, "New York City is easy."

Yeah, I am just making all this up. More nut stuff.


...The article notes that the deployment “marks the first time an active unit has been given a dedicated assignment to NorthCom, a joint command established in 2002 to provide command and control for federal homeland defense efforts and coordinate defense support of civil authorities.”

The purpose of the unit’s patrols includes helping “with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack.”

The unit will be on homeland patrol for at least 20 months before returning to Iraq or Afghanistan in early 2010, according to the report.

Training for homeland operations has already begun at Fort Stewart and at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs.

Ominously, the report states that, “The 1st BCT’s soldiers also will learn how to use “the first ever nonlethal package that the Army has fielded,” 1st BCT commander Col. Roger Cloutier said, referring to crowd and traffic control equipment and nonlethal weapons designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals without killing them....

So, Merry Christmas, etc.


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