Losing focus

I submitted feedback to the WSJ that think makes sense to repeat, here. The topic was concern over the nationalization of medical "care." Now, I have to figure out how to earn some money.
It is an generally accepted assumption that the government is incompetent, as a rule not merely an occasional error or transgression. If this is ignorant, as one writer noted, name some examples that disprove this.
Also, it is a given we love individual freedom and the ability to act, though we are losing track of what that really means.
These assumptions, however, do not stop socialism. The sad thing is we have become stupid, thanks to our public schools, and do not have the ability to think clearly, nor recall the cultural history our forefathers died preserving. We are a nation of addicts with our hands out to Big Pusher, who mouth the principles of self-determination and freedom, while giving it up each day. By the way, the Big Pusher is only returning your money to you, less vigorish.
The use of kickbacks has always been the tool of fascists. Few of us will look at a handout and say, "No thanks." I am thinking of de Tocqueville who commented how early American waiters did not accept tips. They did their job and were paid. Tipping was an insult. We know not to take a loan from a mobster, lest we be tied in for life, but not a bureaucrat.
We are no longer that nation. We do not think in terms of liberty (unless we are injured) or moral duty (except for that of others). We think in terms of ends, not means. In short, we have become as stupid as the people we fought to be free of. Why morality is relative, haven't you heard?
Of course centralized medicine is inferior, but, you see, it is free. I lived in Canada and they only brag about their various systems (which are Provence based, not national as our politicians say) when talking to Americans. Canadians like boasting about having something better, even if it is not.
The person who dies because he could not get a MRI (England, Canada) or because the health department won't treat a smoker (England) is always someone else, the foolish think. In England, one can buy private insurance so as to avoid the socialized system, so Mr. Obama's smoking wouldn't be a problem.
As long as people can get a useless, free flue shot because they are terrified of bird flu, that is all that matters. They will NEVER vote against getting money, even if it pointless or costs more to get it pre-tax. Americans are joining the dull-witted who don't understand there is no free lunch. Indeed, it is this unchecked impulse that is crushing the insurance business, making way for socialized medicine.
Socialist know and use this. Once the health care for minors is passed (you know, the 28 year olds), game over. The mob has learned to vote itself money. The rich will just leave, as they did in England. The masses, as they are now properly called, will just keep voting for money, protection, and politically correct, feel-good whimsy cures, like saving the world from global warming.
All that said, I find it interesting that no one, not even critics, has thought to wonder if the Constitution permits a national health care program. I can't find it. Health is a reserved rights of the states. When I mention this to people, I get a vague stare. There is a hope I will discuss football.
I can hear the other side now, those who have already lost their way, saying a national program is more efficient and uniform. This is the ends justifies the means, the exact thing the Constitution was designed to thwart. Maybe, we can get the trains to run on time.
The Constitution no longer works, so we are over. We are two state votes shy of a constitutional convention where all those annoying restrictions in the Bill of Rights can be removed. This is not the country in which I was born.
A law suit by a citizen wondering about the lack of proof of qualification for office by the president never has a day in court. It is whisked away by those who deny the possibility of a distasteful outcome. The Obama people don't even show up. Then, we are being told what sort of light bulb to use - what section of the Constitution covers this?
None. It is one of endless examples of how Global Warming Fantasy is used to instill fear and permit unconstitutional laws. We have become a nation that merely react to fear, rather than thinks. Just look how we are pushed by vague notions: global warming, global cooling, stem cell funding, nanotechnology, bird flu, terrorist plots, Communist subversion, sweeteners, SUVs, ozone, population explosion, mean corporations, and so on. We vote for "change" without a clue as to what is coming, because TV likes the candidate.
When one new crisis fades, another is invented. The government just does what it wants by passing a law which does not even pay lip service to Constitutional provisions. Rep. Maxine Waters lets slip "we" are taking over the banking system.
So, we give away our rights on a daily basis? That is the real concern. Individual problems are a distraction when the basic assumptions are wrong.
The people who are in our legislatures don't even know this. They are just dull bureaucrats trying to appeal to the base impulses of the voters - who still trust them - and follow the direction of their bosses. as few actually read or know what they are voting on. Now, we will register bullets, replace sugar with deadly sweeteners, close coal mines and nuclear plants, and force people to pay for poor health services. People no longer matter, the fantasy of the betterment of "society" has taken root. Next, there will be an outrage at artificial sweeteners. Consistency is an archaic term.
I recall in Canada, the health system got back to the tax people, who were champions of the stop smoking push, and told them to lower cigarette taxes because they needed to restore the tax revenue from smokers, who were cutting back on purchases or buying from the natives. This is socialism. There is no clear moral center; you can tell this from how loudly socialists accuse others of this flaw, thereby appearing to be moral.
It is a better topic of reflection to go one step beyond the crisis of the day. If we are socialists, then, the the path of national "care" is a no-brainer? If we don't want to follow the Constitution and just look to the ends, who needs due process? If we want to fancy ourselves, and our friends, in charge of others, time for socialism.
The Marxists know that a sucker is born every minute.
By the way, if you get a bad flu, you only die from scurvy, so take mega doses of Vitamin C, while it is still legal.
Labels: constitution, fear, national medical care, socialism, wall street journal
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