Obama welcomes Hamas to the U.S.

Some excerpts from another depressing article.
I recall living in NYC as it turned from the busy work place of boring, hard-working, tie-wearing civilized people of the 1950s movies to people who did not understand one should not spit watermelon seeds while in a subway car.
My fear is that, as with NYC and the South, politicians sold their country's souls to get Democratic voters. They got them, alright. I suppose that is success in their view.
It was a short step to push people from being Democratic, whatever that means, to socialist- just appeal to the basest emotions of the pre-industrialized helots.
Just think about the callousness of luring the poor with streets paved with welfare in order to overwhelm the people who pay the taxes. You can see why my generation just left New York. I don't know anyone there. All gone. The inmates are in charge; another nation passes into history, as the plague did not stop there. I suppose one sees it better, having been a refugee at another time.
Now, Mayor Blumberg makes sure his less desirable citizens are moved to places like Amsterdam and Albany. Ever wonder how poor towns became third-world slums? The logic is it makes NYC look better. I suppose it does add Democratic voters upstate, as well.
Never again, will there be a citizenry hesitant to vote themselves money, nor a politician restrained in any way. Prudence and husbandry are mocked. Good people will turn inward and hoard, if not leave. They know they are the target and will slowly become invisible as the riot turns ugly, as it must.
The big change, today, is that the king makes decrees, not leaving things to Congress and the people.
Dr. Paul L. Williams
Pres. Obama Invites Hamas Terrorists to America
February 7, 2009
Bos Smith and Michael Travis contributed to the writing of this article.
By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in migration assistance to the Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza.
The "presidential determination" which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4.
President Obama's decision, according to the Register, was necessitated by "the urgent refugee and migration needs" of the "victims."
Few on Capitol Hill took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.
The charter for Hamas calls for the replacement of the nation of Israel with a Palestinian Islamic state... The leaders of the movement signed the World Islamic Statement of 1998 – a document, penned by Osama bin Laden, which declared war on America and Israel.
President Obama's executive order is expected to bring hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, many with ties to radical Islam, to our shores, furthering a process that was inaugurated in 1995 by Senator Ted Kennedy and the Cedar-Hart bill.
Palestinians have an extremely high birth rate. Europe is being digested by population growth.
The article has a bit of history, click on the title, to show you how we have been lied to:
The Kennedy Promise
But, in 1965, Kennedy and company viewed such legislation as pig-headed and prejudicial...Kennedy, being far from prescient, said: "Contrary to the charges in some quarters, S500 will not inundate America with immigrants from any other country or area, or the most populated and economically deprived nations of Africa and Asia...
Forty years after Senator Kennedy made this pledge, Dean Steven Gillon of the Honors College at Oklahoma University assessed the results of the 1965 Immigration Act by noting:
"The US added at least 40 million immigrants after 1965. Before 1965, 95 percent of the new immigrants had come from Europe. After 1965, 95 percent came from the Third World. The 1965 act has transformed American society and had consequences exactly the opposite of what we were promised."
... Noting this, Pat Buchanan writes:
The 1965 Cedar-Hart bill was the greatest bait-and-switch in history. Americans were promised one result, and got the opposite result that they had been promised would never happen. They were misled. They were deceived. They were swindled... What they got was a Third World invasion that is converting America into another country.
...As the Christian Crusade once went East, now the Islamic Crusade is going West. With the East – Asia – closed to Christianity, with Africa rapidly becoming converted to Islam, with Europe rapidly becoming un-Christian, generally today it is accepted that the 'Christian' civilization of America – which is propping up the white race around the world – is Christianity's remaining strongest bastion...(Malcolm X)
These are hard days. The new dark ages are upon us. You can't stop the flood and, although you feel the dike giving way, it is hard to walk away.
It is, however, becoming less difficult with each passing day. There are precious few innocent bystanders to mourn.
Americans have always been optimistic and patient, waiting for a correction, but optimism, hard-work, and faith in the future certainly seem pointless to anyone who can look down the road a few blocks
There is no correction coming, just inflation, taxes, and watermelon pits. Are we to hope for a revolution, a depression? Maybe, that will wake people up? That is not hope, that is the past coming to claim us. That is the least-common denominator of our lesser angels. For a brief moment, mankind showed promise. I suppose it is time to move on, at least, within our souls.
We had a good run, all in all. We just lost the time and understanding to see what our governments were doing to us. Ultimately, it is our fault this is happening, as it is to be expected that politicians are without decency or honor. They kept their part of the bargain.
We let them subvert the Constitution and our traditions, in order to take our money and rearrange out lives, but we didn't miss the Super Bowl.
Have some bread, I will turn on the circus.
Labels: Barack Obama, Hamas, U.S. as Third World
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