Spending Plan unpopular (Sorry, Stimulus Plan)

There may be no discussion of changing our form of government and traditions in the left media, but there is about the confused spending spree and popular doubts, especially after it seems Democrats only want others to pay income tax.
Any road bump, now, is very important, if one wants to remain free of the central government. We can only hope people will turn off their TVs and catch on. Perhaps, to avoid this the digital transfer deadline was moved to June.
Oh, Mr. Obama said he didn't realize there was a pile of money for condoms in his plan and had the funding removed. He really should read the Pelosi plan in between interviews, if he is claiming it is his "stimulus" package.
I am beginning to think Mr. Obama doesn't understand he has a real job. There is more to being President than having fancy meals, talking nicely to people who hate us, signing orders to fulfill campaign promises, and smiling for cameras. Admittedly, we are in the first month of the new term, but helz a poppin'.
Mr. Obama is well into being overexposed and even fans are going to hear "Bla, bla, bla" when he gives his canned, finger wagging pronouncements. If he keeps it up, people will notice the Internet ads saying he has a 121 IQ, "What is yours?" (How do they know that, anyway?)
That may be a cheap shot. Teddy Roosevelt wrote to his son about what it takes to be a good president. He said it was not intelligence, rather a clear, moral direction and understanding of government. All the rest can be figured out according to a moral standard.
(I can't shake the image of Everyman Homer Simpson trying to listen to something serious and in his head is "bla, bla, bla." I get that way.)
Watch Homer try to vote for Obama: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aBaX9GPSaQ
Overexposure is a serious error. He is sticking with what got him elected, but that dog don't something. Also, how do you put the image from Youtube up and keep it active?
The text below is from Rasmussen
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 37% favor the legislation, 43% are opposed, and 20% are not sure.
Two weeks ago, 45% supported the plan. Last week, 42% supported it.
Opposition has grown from 34% two weeks ago to 39% last week and 43% today.
Sixty-four percent (64%) of Democrats still support the plan. That figure is down from 74% a week ago. Just 13% of Republicans and 27% of those not affiliated with either major party agree.
Seventy-two percent (72%) of Republicans oppose the plan along with 50% of unaffiliated voters and 16% of Democrats.
Related survey data shows that half the nation’s voters say the plan that finally emerges from Congress may end up doing more harm than good.
The anti package trend is growing rapidly, as the socialist package was not quickly pushed through Congress without anyone paying attention. They tried.
Right now, radio talk shows are howling; generally, print media catches up, after a few weeks. Presently, the talk is about it being ineffective more than a change in the nature of goverment. I really don't think Pelosi cares about effectiveness; that is irrelevant. I also don't think she is a "true believer," as well. Just a hack politician pandering to her curious base. (I would say "deviant," but no one uses the word correctly, anymore.)
A few years back, a nice lady in Wells, Vt was running for the school board, whose job had been gutted by the NY/NJ/MA group who moved to Vermont, like Gov. Dean, seemingly to eliminate local control and shift it to Montpelier. She was running because she once talked to the Superintendent about building plans for the small town and how much money it would cost.
The Super glibly said, "So what, we will just raise taxes." End of discussion.
Now, our 100 year old cabin is assessed at $3,500 a year and we have no police force, no garbage collection, no fire department, no town hall, and a huge school, with a beautiful basketball court, for a few hundred elementary students. When we bought our place, some time ago, of course, the tax was $300 which was higher than most as we have land on a lake, so townies always screw tourists. Now, everyone is being over-taxed.
On the other hand, there is an inferior educational system with poorly paid teachers and older retirees who are getting $15,000. When I was living their, the massive school district, reaches into Rutland, proudly announced someone with a doctorate had been hired - a first.
When I last looked, Vermont had a home-schooling rate of 13% and growing. This was a number of years ago.
Finally, Vermont has one of the highest per capita rates of doctorates and is some 47th in personal income.
Doesn't any get it?
Labels: Spending plan, Stimulus plan, unpopular
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