PANIC CENTRAL: Swine Scurvy, Heat Wave, Real Estate Collapse

Quick News:
1. SWINE FLU: The government and industry are finally happy that some sort of flu finally arrived. This time it from pigs not birds and is coming from our new South, Mexico. So, if you track the flu, you will find the path of illegal aliens. Nopalitano left Arizona just in time.
The entrenched powers can now scream crisis and spend billions more on a vaccine that won't work and a treatment that gives you the flu. (Just watch). After wall to wall pointless panicspeak this weekend (my God, 11 Catholic boys with sniffles are killing NYC) I will repeat an earlier blog and article (Page 2) - influenza is the flu, not ebola. My God, yes, you may get sick!
This flu is different than most because it rapidly depletes your Vitamin C. People die BECAUSE of a sudden vitamin C depletion. It is the same scurvy that caused English seamen to eat limes, only this fulminate scurvy is an acute attack. So, go buy a good supply of vitamin C and keep it handy. If you get sick take as much as you can until you have diarrhea, then back off. This is in the 6,000 mg/d area - spread out the intake, too. Really sick people can have C intravenously. Just don't fall for the panic. You could keep the kids home from the disease pool.
By accident, if things get bad, this information may break through the drug companies and CDC's wall of sound, so buy some C now. I recommend EmergenC from Walmart, which has an amazingly low price. It is in a box that contains packets of multi-vitamins. I am not up on C types, but I hear liquid is the way to go, especially as one ages.
2. Global Warming has finally returned. The highs will be above average for days! The snow west of Glens Falls will be GONE by May! Melting snow will cause mud, slow down hiking and wash away dirt, exposing rocks to the atmosphere. This will be followed by plant and tree growth, which is a problem because when they die, the give off CO2 as they rot (feeding bugs) and heat the earth.As we now know, having been recently informed, CO2 is a toxic gas dangerous to all of us except those damn trees. (Reagan was right.)
3. NY North: Existing home sales fell 26 percent in March, and the median sale price fell 6 percent, to $170,000. Actually, this is good sign, but it is nice to scream panic.
Why good? Nationally, existing home sales fell 7 percent in March, and the median price fell 12.4 percent, to $175,200, according to the National Association of Realtors. This means the collapse is now in this part of the world where things happen last. So, nationally, we are skating in the valley, no longer skiing the mountains. By the way, I am serious, here.
Don't get taken in by the brokers who are incapable of saying anything that has a negative in it. You will see things like: the decline in home prices is up from last quarters' numbers. This means, things are less horrible. This is governmentspeak, like a reduction in spending rate of increase is "cutting."
Also, much of the home buying is by speculators and others taking advantage of the absurdly low prices and mortgages. This is real spending, sure, but it is not the drones getting back in.
If anyone is thinking about a purchase, don't hesitate. Go out today. We need drones.
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