Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

August 04, 2009

Go HERE to sign a petition that you will find below.

The AMA is starting to backtrack from its opinion that Obamacare is OK. This is probably because the medical profession is against it. The AMA, being a lobby group, has lost 25% of its membership. I left the ABA twenty years ago.

Its the same old story, just like the NEA and ATA, the trolls get into power and fan their own flames for a socialist power oligarchy. Eric Hoffer pointed out that those with much to do, do not have time to decide what others should do. The problem is, we have all been too busy and thought our ship of state was invulnerable to the mice and rats.


Physicians can no longer allow medical care in this country to be controlled by government and insurance companies

Current reform options purport be “cure-alls” for every American. But we know that every patient is different, and just like patients, there is not single big-government solution to change health care in this country.

Instead, we need more diversity in solutions.

Therefore, I support changes that address the following issues:

1. INDEPENDENCE: Doctors are professionals. They answer to their patients, not the government or an insurance company or any other third party. Treatments should be decided by doctor and patient exclusively.

2. VALUE OUR SERVICES: Physicians have a right to be paid a market-based fee for their services, and to be paid at the time of service or within a reasonable period.

3. DOCTORS ARE NOT INSURANCE BILLING CLERKS: Physicians should not be forced to act as billing or collection agents for third-parties, whether private insurance or the government.

4. REGULATIONS GET BETWEEN PHYSICIANS & PATIENTS: Excessive regulatory burden on physicians is interfering with patient care. We must decrease regulations, not pass more.

5. LIABILITY COSTS MUST BE REDUCED: Costly defensive treatment and tests, and predatory litigation result in excessive liability costs for physicians and patients alike.

6. AUTONOMY: Neither physicians nor patients should be forced to participate in government nor private health care plans or programs.

7. RIGHT TO CONTRACT: Neither physicians nor patients should be prohibited from entering into mutually agreeable private contracts for services and payments.

8. PRIVACY: Physicians must not be forced to disclose patient records without the express consent of patients.


Doctors Publish "Inalienable Rights Infringement Statement" on Health Care Reform Bills

Doctors on Strike for Freedom in Medicine today issued an "Inalienable Rights Infringement Statement" on the health care bills now brewing in Washington, finding 10 violations of the individual rights recognized in The Declaration of Independence.

PRLog (Press Release)Aug 01, 2009 – Doctors on Strike for Freedom in Medicine today issued an "Inalienable Rights Infringement Statement" ("IRIS") on the health care bills now brewing in Washington--bills they dubbed "PelosiObamaReidCare" ("PORC").

The IRIS, posted on the homepage of Doctors on Strike's website at, cites PORC for the following 10 violations of individual rights:

1. Forcing people to buy health insurance.

2. Forcing employers to provide health insurance for employees.

3. Forcing one group (wealthy, soda-drinkers, etc.) to pay for the health insurance of another group.

4. Forcing future generations to pay for the healthcare of the present generation.

5. Forcing patients to participate in a government-run plan.

6. Forcing doctors to participate in a government-run plan.

7. Forcing hospitals and other healthcare providers to participate in a government-run plan.

8. Forcing insurance companies to compete with a government-run plan.

9. Forcing insurance companies to write policies that offer coverage for specific conditions.

10. Forcing one group (older Americans on Medicare) to accept reduced benefits in order to fund other public health care plans.

Dr. Gregory Garamoni, Founder and Executive Director of Doctors on Strike, said, "Doctors, patients, and business owners all have the same inalienable individual rights recognized by the Declaration of Independence - the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The purpose of government is to secure our rights, not violate them. Our rights impose limitations on government."

Dr. Garamoni said, "PORC's unprecedented intrusiveness into the doctor-patient relationship and other aspects of our health care would violate our rights on a massive scale unknown in the history of America."

Doctors on Strike urges doctors, patients, and business owners to work together to put intense political pressure on Washington politicians to make sure they protect individual rights while reforming the healthcare system. Dr. Garamoni said people need to send the following message to our elected officials:

"Earth to politicians: Healthcare is not a right, doctors are not your slaves, businesses are not your banks, the wealthy are not your wet nurses, and patients are not your pawns."

The website for Doctors on Strike ( provides doctors, patients, and business owners with the "intellectual and political ammunition necessary to win the war against statism in medicine."

Activists will find links to an online "Petition to Protect Doctor-Patient Rights" and other petitions with similar messages. They will also find links to elected officials, including the influential "The Blue Dog Coalition," and sample messages of varying length.

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