Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

December 14, 2009

Internet and the All In

Below is a  portion of a Daily Bell article.  The current class warfare, which is the very upper class using lower class to control everything, is, as the Bell sees things, moving, perhaps, too fast, that something is going wrong with the long-term, concentration of wealth plan. As Greg put is, "These people are 'all in".

Greg and I were wondering why the leftists in the U.S. are ignoring public opinion, logic, and the looming termination of their careers.  Their "all in" activity is decidedly new and contrary to triangulating everything.  Those who are all in can't articulate any consistent reasoning, other than they have to do it and besides, the  science or whatever is settled.  It may be the new communication system has had an influence.

The Internet is an amazingly disruptive influence. Internet time waits for no old socialist to organize a thought.  It does not provide for a glossy punch like in the face of rapidly evolving data. All the elite and their running dogs can think to do, of late, is attack people personally - that doesn't quite work anymore.  Again, many, if not most, people are catching on and educating themselves before being told what to think.

Were it not for the Internet, few of us would have ever heard of Swift boats or email gate. Now, it takes only an hour to publish data taken real time, like Lord Moncton's recent publishing the disruption of his meeting in Copenhagen by a bunch of American teen morons.  Obama/Alinski tactics were turned around on a worldwide basis in an hour.  The tactics of the 1960s don't work anymore.

 Moncton told the teenagers - right then - that their demonstration had already put their faces all over the world and that they were identified as Hitler Youth.  The students were almost speechless at this, he was right IN THEIR FACES.  That was supposed to be their plan. The only retort was some clown was offended at being called a Hitler Youth because he was Jewish.

The Internet can quickly defang the planners, the manipulators.  At the Moncton meeting, the published emails from East Anglia were to be discussed to show the non-scientific atmosphere among true believers.  It was the Internet that spread these words around the world.  The examples are endless.  Sure, TV told us about large crowds demanding world government to save us from my car, but who watches those shows? YouTube is far more powerful, though not for the drones.

Young people, the basic tool of the manipulators, use the Internet rather than watch the low IQs on the nightly news. Who watches that Kouric person? MSNBC? etc, etc.  This is real problem to the planners whose model involves controlling group think and creating confusion.  The best made plans gang aft agley.

Talk radio reaches older people and is another serious problem.  Again, the Swiftboats were common fare on the radio six months before the networks had to deal with the testimony of false bravado and fraud - they had to try and kill it.  To my mind, their delay killed Mr. Kerry.

 Mainstream media, and yes it exists,  eventually got its talking points out to the drones, but the rest of us already knew the entire story and are increasingly dismissing the drones.  If a person already know the story, the spin is obvious.  Now, the established media attacks the Internet with derision saying the information has not been vetted by real journalists - do they realize what they are saying?

An almost real-time video of an event is a little better than a repair job three weeks later on ABC.  If you want a news digest, I continue to recommend, where reporters remember they are reporters. Other than that, you are on your own; perhaps the Economist will offer differing views on many matters.

Be prepared, Congress has no choice but to act against both talk radio and the Internet, and they have precious little time to act. Otherwise, the ministry of propaganda can't succeed. A serious concern is the GOP  is not a much of an alternative.  We should move beyond the idea of voting for the least bad candidate. They will still be bad.
...Here at the Bell, we do believe the pace of dominant social themes (promotions) has picked up in the 21st century just as the Fabian Society promised. Of course, we still note these are gradualist promotions - they are not out-and-out power grabs, or at least they are not meant to be. There is in fact, a very specific strategy being followed. Some of these promotions have no immediate impact in the sense they are meant merely to confuse and dismay. Others, like necessity of central banking, are endlessly pernicious and economically disastrous. They are all meant to concentrate power and wealth.

Today, we are living through the fallout - yet again - of the central banking meme. Central banking has taken root throughout the world and the results are truly ruinous. In America, as we can see from the article excerpt above, some are predicting that joblessness and general economic wretchedness may last another 20 years. We tend to agree with this, though we also think data and news will make it LOOK as if things are getting better when they are not.

Of course, the latest economic crunch could not have come at a better time for those who want to impose global change from the top down. As Western economies shudder, people are too concerned with jobs and money to worry about the larger changes taking place. Or they become more malleable as the Irish did recently and vote for authoritarian solutions such as the EU because of the hope that large government entities may provide more funding and general economic stimulation than the private sector. This is actually a false hope. Government provides with one hand and takes away with the other. Most of all government decreases opportunity and substitutes barriers to entry.

We are not surprised at the depth of the economic downturn. We are not surprised at the vehemence of those who are proposing yet more of the world's economy be socialized in pursuit of diminished cow flatulence. We are not surprised that more regulation of all types are being proposed - and always at a global level.
And yet, we wonder if the power elite is not now moving TOO quickly. And we wonder WHY it seems so driven. We wonder in fact if the power elite is not as aware as we are (and you, too) of the force for change that the Internet has become. Is it possible that the sudden rush of promotions and subsequent globalist solutions have as much to do with the Internet as they do with the sudden evolution of humankind's globalist sensibilities?
The Gutenberg press played havoc with the power elite 500 years ago. We wonder if a generational elite is not quite aware of the possibility of history repeating itself. Nothing else actually makes much sense to us (assuming you accept the above analysis.) The power elite (and its proxies) is actually acting with increasing rashness, we think. True, in the past we could cite wars, general kinds of civil chaos and variants of economic ruin in which the power elite has participated and even initiated, in our humble opinion. But this is different. This time, the power elite's machinations are being carried out in front of an Internet audience of millions. Each statement, each movement, each fraudulent announcement and every cover-up is being DOCUMENTED by a thousand, no a hundred thousand, bloggers.

Read the emails below mainstream British and American articles on any one of a number of power elite memes from global warming to swine flu to globalist financial regulation. They are mostly full of invective and disbelief. This is not the way it once was. Even a few years ago, there were fervent believers in peak oil, in global warming, in any one of a dozen promotions or more. But the Internet has exposed each of these. And people read ...

It does not take a billion, or even a hundred million, to make a worldwide change. As little as ten million converted to reality and spreading the word to family and friends can upset the apple cart in a single generation. And yes, perhaps this is happening. All the tricks have been played, after all. The world's economy is in a shambles. The globalists meet endlessly. And endless war is fought for endless peace. But we would ask you to defy, dear reader, the Orwellian hopelessness that you are supposed to feel right about now. Don't be enervated. Allow yourself the possibility of action. Human action.

Times are changing. All is not lost. We could document the unraveling of power elite memes. In fact, we do so on a regular basis. We believe the unraveling is taking place at quite a rapid pace. These social promotions in fact seem to be going backward. There is no consensus for what is about to happen in Copenhagen. The EU stumbles ahead even though most in Europe and Britain would vote it down if they had a chance. The whole idea of creating promotions was to ensure that people would accept an increased concentration of wealth and power. But it is not possible to start a serious world war right now and the Internet is muting the impact that economic ruin would ordinarily have.

We will leave it at this. We are in some sense, primarily an investment publication as we mentioned the other day. What investors - our kind of free-market thinking investors - will have to grapple with over the coming years is the struggle between the power elite's dominant social themes and the exposes of the Internet. Those who use our paradigm will have to decide if the power elite's "solutions" will win out or whether the Internet will increasingly cover - and uncover - the inevitable hype.

Conclusion: These will not be idle decisions. There are billions, nay trillions, riding on the acceptance of the green meme promotion. Thousands of companies will be started and hit major stock exchanges based on whether or not these dominant social themes are accepted and successfully promoted. That of course includes the continued appreciation of gold and silver - which the power elite despises, but which it has lost control of for the moment. Yes,

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