Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

January 28, 2010

Open Letter to Scott Murphy

Below is a recent email I sent to our Representative.  Below that is his letter.  Feel free to republish this email.

Mr. Murphy:

I received your email note. I realize no one takes the time to write a substantive letter anymore, let alone read bills, but the letter was not well received on any level. 

Either we have a top down government, which the Constitution was written to prevent, or we trust each other to work hard and contribute to the economy, which is how we became the morst producive and safest country in history.  If we trust the people, we do not surpress them or, as Jefferson would say, confiscate their property.

We do not need the government to confiscate property, micro manage, and promote useless public service jobs, then announcing, with fanfare, that the government will now begin the next five year plan of stupid ideas flowing from academia and established power centers. Ethanol comrs to mind as really stupid project, almost as bad as hydrogen.  Can you recall any centralized economic plan actually working?  We need to elect some ex-Russians.

Didn't the CBO find solar generation was about .03 percent of power production, recently?  And I think the figure for projected wind production was .06%.  

Concern over these "green' black holes is delusional; it leads to a conclusion that there is mass mental illness or systemic lying.  Hybrid cars have a massive energy footprint.  Electric cars will require a massive increase in energy production (and generationally long grid construction), which to the 1930's mind of government will mean centralized power plants with many union workers.  

Biodiesel is a good idea, so the government taxes it so it cannot compete with diesel fuel, that way we can continue to import billions of barrels of oil that we are told we shouldn't import which justifies not drilling here and making believe solar energy is a solution.  Do you see any logic, here? I only see insanity.

Until President Bush II arrived, the EPA was charged with spending billions to improve gas mileage, a pointless expense considering we were at the end of that technology; now, it is charged with preventing oil production and gasoline distillation, allegedly because some poiticans have been overwhelmingly convinced that my car causes global warming, as the 400,000 year temperature curve continues downward.   

Contrary to the speech last night, the AEC is in charge of making sure there are no nuclear plants being planned, let alone built.  If they were planned, they would be, again, foolish in design using massive structures (targets) rather than decentralized pebble reactors that are safe, require much less fuel, and produce a fuel with a short half life and can't meld down.  For an education, visist KAPL.

In short, let the market find the solutions.  Government never has and can't.  It produces nothing and in a few years will will have a deficit of 98% of the GDP. The next stupid thing we will do to deal with this insanity is devalue our money so as to screw countries and businesses who believed in us.  I suspect the government already knows citizens and their property are disappearing.  It is called voting with your feet.  Apparently, no one remembers what happened in England and why the money left.

What sort of person thinks the government has any answer?  Greedy, thoughtless people just take the drugs offered by the government and don't even realize they are hooked and have to dance for the pusher.

Until recently, I was of the opinion that our education has so been dumbed down the citizens that they would accept all manner of unconstitutional actions and the establishment of an oligarchy, but I am thinking now I may have been premature in that assessment.  I suppose we still have a small window of time to amputate.  The only resistance to tyranny flows from an intelligent populace. 

Stop and consider the enemies this state has identified:  people in medicine, insurance, banking, financial professions, Wall Street (whatever that is), large corporations, oil companies, gas companies, coal companies and utilities, as well as people over, say, 65, and anyone who has built an estate. Also, anyone with a large car has to be reeducated and taxed. (Flying personal jets is OK).  You can learn much about anyone by looking at their enemies. 

We don't need to be insulted with notions of bad people (aka the waskaly wepublicans)  playing politics, or, gee, the hard work is yet to come.  One way to stop the playing of politics is to vote against every incumbant, unless he or she prove they accept the Constitution, demonstrate fiscal common sense, and are people of honor. That would solve that problem.  

As to the argument that we would lose experienced people who know how things work, I respond, good point, thank you. We need an army and a post office, not advice on dying or teaching geography.  

We don't need a government that started the concept of red lining, then, when it was followed, made it a crime and forced bad loans inside the red lines only to be amazed with the economy collapses caused by bankruptcy and failing banks. Nor a government that, having destroyed the system, takes people's money to make things worse.  Did you know your pension fund is run by AGI?  Funny, huh. At least, in the middle of the collapse we had a presidential candidate who said to his economic advisors - tell me the right thing to do; I can sell it.  

In America anyone can become president, as was demonstrated at the meeting of advisors and last night during the State of the Never-ending Camapign, so there really is no need for technical competence, experience or wisdom.  The ignorance and self-dealing of our government officals hasn't brought us down, yet, but we have let this go on for too long. 

When it comes to a belief that the person is more important than the state, you are either with us or against us.  There is no middle ground.   

Gene Cunningham

Eugene J. Cunningham, MA, JD

28 Clinton St. 
No. 6
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
518 879 1763

'I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered..'
Thomas  Jefferson, 1802

---- On Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500 Congressman Scott Murphy  wrote ----

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Dear Friend,

 Tonight President Obama spoke to the issue that deserves attention above all else; jobs.  

I believe that several of the President’s proposals will prove to be instrumental in our economic recovery.  We need targeted tax relief for small businesses, reform of the capital gains tax on startups, and most importantly, tax relief for our middle class families.  

The need for job creation and an economic revival has never been greater.  That is why I echo the President’s call for investments in infrastructure and clean energy because “the nation that leads the clean energy economy will be the nation that leads the global economy.”  We must continue to work to make Upstate New York a world leader in clean energy jobs.
The President called not only for new programs to spur innovation, but for new reforms to remind Washington and Wall Street that business as usual just won’t cut it.
We have fought for serious financial reform to create a system that is fair for Main Street and that prevents another bailout of Wall Street. 
His message was not just that we must work to create jobs and turn our economy around, but that we must do away with the partisan bickering that has plagued Washington for far too long. 
I especially appreciated his call for Congress to rise above the special interests and remember that we work for the people, not the other way around.   Washington simply cannot continue to turn every issue into a partisan fight.  We need to start working like families and small business owners, looking not for Democratic ideas or Republican ideas, but for common sense solutions that will provide the best results for our country. 
Times continue to be tough and the hard work has only just begun.  I hope my colleagues join me in taking seriously the need to work together, the need to stop playing politics and solve our problems.  I will continue to work to build on the initiatives laid out tonight to rebuild our economy, get our fiscal house in order, and ease the burden on the middle class. 


Scott Murphy
Member of Congress 

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