Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

March 22, 2010

A few highlights of the new "healthcare bill."

1.  16,000 new IRS agents will be hired (good for unemployment rate!) to track down those who don't have an "approved" plan.  [The CBO estimated the IRS would need $5 billion to $10 billion in the first decade to cover the costs of its expanded role. The IRS' annual budget is currently $11.5 billion.]

2.  Tax money will be used for killing a foetus, if you don't have insurance.  If you do have insurance, then the government it telling you that you have to pay for them out of your own money (I read this twice, I am not making this up. I figure it is a way to screw people with money while at the same time pretending to not fund abortion.) 
If you are upset by all this, your state can opt out, you know like NY, California, Illinois.  Oh yeah, or Obama can promise to make an Executive order that such money cannot be spent. It used to be Congress disbursed money, back in the days of the Constitution.

3.  The Executive branch will take control of lending money to students.  Students will also be required to do "community" service. (In brown shirts)

4.  Those who refuse to buy "affordable medical coverage" will be fined upward from $1,000.  This actually sounds attractive. Pay $1,000 and when you are sick, present yourself at the hospital.

5.  New taxes on insurance companies (they can't get away with that 3.3% profit margin).

6.  Even more taxes on better insurance plans. This will be repealed because the unions are upset by it, as they have better plans. It is already scheduled out in 2018 for implementation.

7.  Less Medicare:  $483 billion.  Not to worry, $436 will go to the new "health plan".  This way the government can claim they are saving money. (They actually do this).

8.  More Medicaid:  $395 billion.

Say, did you want to see something about health? Trial lawyer fees? Interstate coverage?  Don't be silly. There are people who still think Congress passed a bill about health care.

Remember:  Anybody but Murphy. No more dilettantes.

Remember 2:  Taxation without representation is tyranny.  See On Civil Disobedience.  It is time to consider the broad political theories involved now that our republic is coming to an end. Do you want to support a tyrant who takes your money and uses it to subjugate you, while he reprograms your children?  Think about it. The pusher needs the junkie.

If you pay your taxes because you are afraid, not because are happy to, it is time to resist. Otherwise, you are not free.  Of course, there are many who don't care as long as they get theirs.


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