Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

March 25, 2010

I censored the title.

 For all those who don't read or think, below is a video about what you have done.  So, sit around being smug about shoving a Marxist state, oh sorry magical heathcare, down the throat of a nation that doesn't want it.

You will especially enjoy the part about the federal government will have the right to access all your financial records and take money, or, maybe, the part about the ceiling on yearly health care or about the specially appointed doctors who can turn you off or the yearly appointment that seniors must attend so the government can assess whether to keep their care.  You will wake up in a few years, "Say, that's not right." Duh.  Maybe government end of life orders is a good idea.

The film doesn't mention illegal aliens will be covered while exempted from paying taxes or that Congress and federal employees will not be included in the plan. Or, that 16,000 new IRS agents are to be hired, but I could go on for a long time, so sit and enjoy your Marxist takeover from within.  By the way, the first people removed by tyrants are those who helped get them into power. This is the established pattern, if you had ever studied anything. I agree with Mao, they are "running dogs." Since they are activists and not acting out of any philosophy, they have to go.

If you are an employer, start planning to move your business to South America.  A good piece of advice for all is get that silver (they will confiscate the gold the way things are going) and bury it the yard.  I will be working on how to disappear either virtually or for real.

Oh, yeah.  I am just a conspiracy nut.

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