Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

June 11, 2010

1960's Redux: Time to undo the fantasy

Below is a little essay by which I would like to start a look at the past, as it was not prologue, it has been changed to alter the future. 

As you will see in another video, soon, Bill Ayers, the great advisor of President Obama told an FBI agent in 1968 that after the take over the nation, some 25,000,000 will resist being reeducated and will have to be killed.

In the CBC video herewith is a reference to the Cuban/KGB subsidization and direction of the Weather Underground.  People's minds, today, are lost in TV, sports, and five second sound bites. 

Americans voted for "change."  That's it. Well, we have it and if we are lucky to undo it, our grandchildren will still have to pay for our ignorance. A conspiracy theory is a theory about conspiracy; in the case of the Underground the conspiracy was well funded, killed many, disrupted history, and, now, has left the underground.


I grew up in the 1960s; I got two political science degrees back then. This was back when our educational system was actually impressive. I studied world political theory and practice, the history of China, the Greek and Roman influence on our founders, not the statistics and manipulation theories taught today. Just a regular education back then.

My dad was in the DIA, Defense Intelligence Agency, and I heard bits and pieces of information not typical in, as Mr. Obama would say, "a typical white person's" home. He retired, a medical discharge, from a position as liaison to Ambassador Lodge at the U.N. where he wrote the "Great Seal" speech.  I took things seriously and paid attention.

In the past few days, the general ignorance (not stupidity) concerning these days has made itself manifest.  I even flipped through a book on who spoke up against the Viet Nam War, some Marxists I never heard of in the 1960s. I do recall my father, who, as a Lt. Colonel had been what was called "an advisor" in Viet Nam in the early 1960s, was against the war and thought it was being run by clowns (LBJ and McNamara). 

According to the TV show mentality of America today, that can't be.  Army guys were evil warmongers. America was bad except for radicals who blew things up. None of the entertainment I have seen even comes close to reflecting what happened in the 1960s. Perhaps, it is a mistake to merely dismiss the drek as it becomes part of the future's "education."

My friend Lois, who was the leader of the YAF, a staunch conservative group, at C.W. Post and a magna cum laude, apparently went to Woodstock and had a good time.  If you ask the young adults today about Woodstock they have some weird idea it was all about hippies, drugs, sex, playing in mud, and being anti-everything.  These were images the media sold and there was probably some political orientation behind that. Easy Rider was not a documentary, it was on the edge and spoke to a spirit of breaking from the past. [Image:  Hendrix after being in the 101 st Airborne]

What most people today cannot understand was the educational and intellectual sophistication of the people they call hippies.  The great movements of the 1960's  came about because of the superb education and free time that our parents provided to us.  Bill Ayers was a Chicago very-rich kid who went to a private school. You cannot even explain to today's young adults how vast is the gap between their education and that of a Bill Ayers, even if he goofed around.  He did go to Columbia Teachers College, a Marxist front, see previous blog on the Frankfurt Group, which not particularly rigorous. Columbia did have a good basketball team, though.

There are other items that astound me. There is a fantasy that President Nixon was behind everything bad, that mean Nixon.  It is believed he was hated, especially by college students.

None of this is true, when he won his election by a landslide, college students overwhelmingly voted for him just a few months after the Chicago debacle by the left.  He ended the war that Kennedy designed, and the arrogant LBJ and bean-counter McNamara decided to run from the White House basement. The red in the map represents counties that voted for Nixon. Even NYS and CA voted for him.  Even NYC and LA. Your surprise will indicate how successful the assault on history has been and continues to be.

Nixon's Shakespearean flaw was to try to cover up the Watergate burglary; no, he did he not plan it. So disgusted were his supporters that it was Barry Goldwater who went to the White House and told him to resign.  He had violated the people's trust and the glee of the leftists was irrelevant. This was back when honor mattered.

I have to step back and realize that most people have no idea what happened in the 1960s.  They probably don't know Goldwater. They have been fed fantasy on TV and in he movies for decades. 

They believe that Senator McCarthy was some sort of monster and completely wrong, though the KGB says he was right.  They have never heard that McCarthy's lawyer was Robert Kennedy - seemed to not make the recent movie.  They are also taught to avoid all facts and, when confront by a fact, to blame someone else for something else.

So, it seems important to recreate reality, as much as such a thing is possible.  I figure a good place to start is Bill Ayers.  I will touch this topic again, but for now, watch the 1982 CBC documentary to start to understand the real world.  Are you even familiar with the riots in Quebec, the murder of the English Ambassador and a Cabinet member?  Ayers was an organizer.

Note the Quiet Revolution in Quebec is mentioned in the CBC interview where the agent relays that the Cubans ordered "action" not demonstrations and riots like in Chicago in 1968, which you probably don't know about - and got Nixon a landslide - so we will start our reeducation here.

Professor Ayers is a respected member of the administration and the person who introduced Obama to politics.  A computer says Ayers wrote the books attributed to Obama.  He and his wife provided funds for the recent attempt to run the Israeli blockade. All is connected and, yes, it is a conspiracy theory, except the principals admit to the conspiracy, but not the murders.

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