Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

July 20, 2010

Some tid bits from Obama and the Reich

Der fuhrer and his Reich speak :

...the Health Care Bill mandates, according to, Starting on January 1st in 2012, S federal law will require coin and bullion dealers to report to the Internal Revenue Service all gold and silver coin purchases and sales greater than $600.
Yes, this is health care. So, in the future, to stay healthy, buy $500 worth of silver or gold at a time. Of course, everyone will do that, so the health law (that even Obama calls an insurance law) will be changed to cover all purchases of coins.

 Recall, many of these coins are US currency. The goverment knows its old coins are worth more than today's fiat paper, so it want to tax those who dare to hold US currency. Think about it, your money will be taxed.

As for your body, you will be required to have an "electronic health record", by 2014. They snuck this into one of the "stimulus" bills. The electronic record will include an obesity rating. The information will be required to be on a "national exchange" with only secure access. (Right)

This is easily taken care of:  everyone should attempt to join the database of citizens on December 25, 2014 by using an incorrect social security number. That should take care of that system.  (I didn't say this, I heard it on the street, so I am just a reporter, not a rebel). For my part, I will become a Muslim or Mormon, a tough choice, and opt out of the medical care system.  At least Muslims can kill "non-believers" which means whoever you don't like. 

There is also the new rule that will increase the price of everything: next year business will be required to issue a 1099 for all transactions over $600.  The added expense and time to do this is irrelevant to the quest of the government to create a complete data base of everyone so the draconian taxes,  starting next year, can target you, and no longer depend on any voluntary reportage by the people. (This is Reid's "voluntary" tax system.  The problem with him he is so stupid, he believes it.)

So, never get anything for more than $550. For now, if you do an exchange for things, like a barter, then there is no dollar value.  So, buy and sell houses this way.  Cars too.

Think about it, not only will the merchants have to report what they have paid, the BUYER's stuff will be on record.  Your new TV purchase will be filed away in a data base.   After eveything is broke, the Reich will create a property tax and will have data to arrest you if you don't comply. 

These are just tid bits of several thousand pages of law the Reich has not read. They don't have to, they know their place.

I was going to add that eventually the most stupid leftists have to realize they are being herded into electronic cattle cars. Of course, they will not.

Anyway, Bush did it.  Whatever it is, he did it.  Remember that and when the OO kicks in your door to take your TV, be sure to say that.  You will be left alone and, after all, that is all that matters.

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