Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

July 26, 2010

WTTW 1: Word To The Wise

I sometimes publish short blogs just for fun but have not been a constant email buddy, thinking I ought to make a living.  This time, however, I offer this information, but not for fun. The email will have the embedded link which probably won't work, so you can visit the blog.

We have trouble:

Pensacola Florida:  One man on his beach filming the "bubbling" ocean. ("God help us all")

Airborne Benzine:  The air analysis reports of the Gulf region are not public.  Latest figure from TV station in Alabama was over 3,000 parts per billion; the "safe" level is 4.

Oil Plumes suggest multi fractures, suggests oil is not our major concern, as found in an interview below.  Listen, don't judge the messenger:

In the interview, Williams cites an EPA report and gives the numbers.  For our purposes, note that the safe values of benzine, a highly toxic item, is 0 to 4 parts per billion, is it now over 3,000.   Hydrogen sulfide - levels allowed are 5 - 10 parts per billion, the recent tests are 1,200 parts per billions; methylene chloride is sage at 61 parts per billion, now 3,000 to 3,400 parts per billion. Let's just say this is wicked bad stuff.

As noted previously, methane is 1,000,000 times greater than normal in the sea, as a university Texas researcher reported.

These items are flammable and deadly and will circle the world.  A hurricane can bring a massive health problem up the East Coast.

You may take offense at the interview show, as it is most assuredly distrustful of the government, but take my motto to heart:  listen to the message, don't judge the messenger. For my part, I see a massive array of information on the net, little directly from the government - which has a no-fly zone set up over the Gulf and has made it a felony to report from the beaches or on the water.  CNN is the one complaining here. You figure it out.

If any of this is true, we will see an economic collapse and a health crisis, using the word "crisis" as it was originally meant. As you know, I have been very concerned with the false economy we live in and am waiting for the other shoe to drop, then the closet to fall, but this is an external tribulation of Biblical proportions - which makes it hard to accept.

If I lived near the Gulf, I would have have already moved;  you may want to let anyone you know it is time to go. As odd as it may seem, a gas mask around here is probably a good investment. Save clean water.

If this scenario plays out:  time is not short, it is gone. Can we assume things will always be fine?

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