Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

February 23, 2011

Update: time to panic


1.   I think the tipping point I have been warning about for sometime has happened.  Take care.  Oil is over $100 a barrel today ($41 when Obama took office).  It is not going down for a long time, if ever.  Notice, the media isn't screaming daily that the president has to be impeached for increasing gasoline prices.  Indeed, the president promised a rapid increase in energy prices. 

There has been plenty of oil in the world, plenty here but we are not allowed to drill. The price has been going up, even as use is going down rapidly, because the dollar is being devalued.  Who want to be paid in rubles. The dollar is now 20% less than ten years ago.  So, oil, gold, silver and so on were increasing in apparent price, but only if you are paying in US dollars.  Now, however, there is an earthquake that is going to upset the flow of oil.  Even the fear of such a thing will run the price up even faster than now. We are lucky spring is coming. 

In November, the local gas station sold gas at $2.91 a gallon.  That is four months ago and it is now $3.35.  Hello.  I won't even speculate where it will go, but you are not ready for it.  I hope you bought silver two years ago when I started squirming.  It is still safe to buy it as it is not an investment, it is a safe-haven.  Not like that?  Buy a few years supply of canned coffee.  Seriously.

2.  The weird item:  as I noted many times, the commerce clause of the Constitution does not permit Obama care.  A federal court has so rule and there has been no appeal or no request for an injunction.  Therefore, there is no bill and anyone who continues to spend money on it is stealing.  In my world of law, this is an impeachable offense.  

I wrote to Rep. GIbson and explained this.  The House has banned further spending on certain matters.  

What is weird is how few even pay attention to the Court's ruling.  It is treated like one game in the World Series.  It is not.  It was a one game play-off, unless you immediately appealed.  I think the time to appeal has passed on the Florida case.  Thus, the law of the land is that the insurance bill is unconstitutional.  I would project the clogged heads in D.C. will catch on. 

3.  If you can't figure out what is going on in Wisconsin, it is simple.  The state is going to remove mandatory extortion of union dues to a union that spend the money to subvert the state.  The protesting is  just more dull teachers doing what they are told. We call them useful idiots, in the political science jargon. 

That's about it for now.  Just wanted to get everyone in a panic.  It is a good time to panic.  Seriously.  


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