Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

December 12, 2011

Buffett unplugged

Consensus:  Warren Buffet is the greatest of stock pickers; solar energy is good.

Recent Headline:  "Buffett Makes a Big Bet on Solar."

Behind the Propaganda

Berkshire Hathaway, via MidAmerican Energy, bought a $2 billion California solar plant that is breaking ground.

MidAmerican agreed to buy a solar because of government regulation:
1. because it started in 2011, it will qualify for some $600 million in tax credits.
2. reacting to state mandates, a California firm has already signed a 25-year contract that will pay MidAmerican between two and four times today's going rate for electricity. (Just another example of why we have a "green" push to create scarcity.)
Two years ago, as I reported here, Buffet sold Berkshire's portion of a company that a few days later announce it had tanked. Buffer was on the Board of Directors. He has not been questioned, let alone prosecuted for insider trading. 

Now you see why he says nice things about Obama, when called for, as in agreeing those with large "incomes" should pay more taxes. 

His adjusted income tax rate was 11% last year. 

Buffet's salary, which the left is focused upon, is $100,000 per year. Buffet's capital gains and dividends run about $62,000,000,000. That is reduced to about half by charity and, one assumes, losses

You and I have very few adjustments to our salaries and they are under attack.

Bottom Line:   Oligarchy 

Our media whips up false arguments over Republican vs. Democrat. There is no difference when you look at the leadership. We are played for chumps, then taxed.  Socialists are used; conservatives are used. The ruling class is paid well.

The tendency toward oligarchy has not changed in human history except that our founders understood the danger and in the Constitution built us a castle to defend. 

We are now permitting others, under wonderful labels and flags, to take down the castle.  No, we are supporting the dismantling as useful partisans. Remember the Communist view of WWI: two bayonets facing one another with peasants on both ends. The oligarchs were fretting over champagne.  

The media and parties do not engage Ron Paul for he merely resorts to a Constitutional basis to determine the power of the federal government;  that discussion would raise his classic concerns among the people. The false complexity presented to us by the oligarchy is meant to weaken the people's control

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