Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

November 17, 2011

Quintessential Example of America's Subversives

Below is a quote from a Tea Party email.  You will find the quintessential example of what is wrong with the country.

In one person, Elizabeth Warren, you find the amalgam of the subversives: rich, academic, brand school, elitist, and pandering to the socialistic impulses of the masses. Warren gave up a $600,000 a year job teaching one class to be an operative for President Obama. She is interesting in that her background starts out normally. She studied to be a speech pathologist, then went to Rutgers law school.  Upon graduation, she worked from home writing wills until she got a teaching job at Rutgers.

She kept on teaching bagging FIVE law school jobs and wound up advising Harry Reid on the idiotic bail outs. I am sure she is a knowledgeable bankruptcy lawyer, but that does not mean she is supposed to create bankrupts in the same way a criminal lawyer does not promote crime.

She is somehow (probably waiver in the Obamacare act, see below) a federal employee, now, running for the governorship of Massachusetts in 2012 with leftist endorsements:
EMILY's List, the nation's largest resource for women in politics [who must support abortion,] has endorsed Warren saying, "Elizabeth is a champion for progressive values and a fighter for the middle class".[35] She has also drawn strong support [from the Democratic fund raising organizationActBlue.[36] 

Our major challenge in this era is piercing the veil of corporate stupidity of fellow voters. The academics have done their job in creating a generation of clods.  As I noted previously, the current younger generation is the FIRST in our history where their reading level is lower than their parents.  Rent the old version of the film, The Time Machine and wait for the Eloi. At the left is our hero talking to a future version of a drone of Occupy the City.  (The British "Wall St.")

We should required a simple test before one can be a voter.  Say:

1.  "What happened in the U.S. during the early 1860s?"

2.  "Circle what does not belong:  The President, The House, The Senate, The Federal Reserve, All belong."

3.   True or False: The Constitution established the powers and rights of the states.

You figure, one wrong and you get an expense paid emigration holiday to Greece.

...Elizabeth Warren explained that the rich are people who build factories but aren't grateful enough to pay their fair share...
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau refused a Freedom of Information Act request to release her salary, but we do have the salary ranges for two assistant directors of sub-offices at the CFPB.
The Assistant Director at the Office of Financial Empowerment, whose job is "developing and implementing policy and programs that empower low and moderate income and underserved consumers to make better informed financial decisions" has a salary range of 185,000 to 247,000 dollars.
The Assistant Director at the Office of Older Americans, (apparently senior citizens is now politically incorrect) also has a salary range of 160,000 to 235,000 dollars ... and his or her job involves "Working with the Associate Director and Deputy Associate Director of Consumer Education and Engagement, as well as senior leaders from across CFPB."...
Just how many senior leaders, directors, associate directors and deputy associate directors are there at a single consumer agency? When you find out let me know. But the CFPB has offices in four major cities, pays relocation costs and promises "a highly competitive compensation and benefits package."
...Here's a hint, the Dodd-Frank bill didn't just establish the CFPB, it also created the Office of Financial Research with a neat little caveat exempting them from pay schedule limitations
"COMPENSATION- The Director, in consultation with the Chairperson, shall fix, adjust, and administer the pay for all employees of the Office, without regard to chapter 51 or subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5, United States Code, relating to classification of positions and General Schedule pay rates."
In case you happened to miss that, it was only somewhere around the 1000th page under Section 152 D (2 ) right behind the case reading, "Beware of the Barney." It's an ironic note in a bill that fusses a bit about executive compensation when they're private sector executives, but creates an organization with open ended salaries for government employees.
Oh and if you're still worried whether Elizabeth Warren has enough to eat, her Harvard salary was around 632,000 dollars. Her workload? Teaching a class on contract law twice a week. It's not exactly shoveling coal in a coal mine. Class warfare it turns out is a game for the rich.

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