Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

November 12, 2012

Drifting into focus

Hello, as you can tell I am distracted and probably winding down this blog in favor of eating.

In the cage match between oligarch/statist vs. Marxist/statist and their battle to try to get voters to go to the polls, the Marxist got more to the polls, though, what was it, ten million less than last election. Not even worth looking up.  So, as we wait for the President to sign a treaty to restrict gun ownership in circumvention of the Constitutional rights you used to have, the next of dozens of changes, consider an old friendly topic:

Inverse hockey stick – Hurricane Sandy cools the ocean
Posted on  by  
The Impact of Sandy on Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies Along Its TrackGuest post by Bob Tisdale 
We’ve established in recent posts that, based on linear trends, the sea surface temperature anomalies along Sandy’s storm track haven’t risen in 70+ years and that there was nothing unusual about the sea surface temperature anomalies there during October 2012. And we’ve established and discussed for years that there is no anthropogenic global warming component in the warming of global sea surface temperatures or ocean heat content.
Yet activist websites continue to post climate change alarmist nonsense in Sandy’s wake. See examples herehere and here. And they call themselves realists. They must think Salvador Dali’s paintings were realistic. Refer to the discussion of Dali’s The Persistence of Memory. MOMA notes that “Dalí painted this work…he said, ‘to systematize confusion and thus to help discredit completely the world of reality.’” I read that and instantly thought of Joe Romm at ClimateProgress and John Cook at SkepticalScience. 
I’m tired of responding to their drivel, so this is an informative post....
The rest is here.  You may enjoy reading the science before the establishment tells us about global whatever it is today.

For fun:

Of course, we will hear global warming of sea temperature caused the storm: this is the storm that was superficially covered since it preceded the election.  Remember, in the spirit of "Bush did it," that FEMA took several days to get troops on the ground in the face of a governor who barred them and an idiot mayor.  Long Island and Jersey have suffered catastrophinc losses and are on their own. FEMA is a joke - regarding its stated mission.  But, new Amerika speak will not address the catastrophe. The people on the ground, though, are getting a lesson.

A few days ago in Queens, a national guard helicopter landed and had wtater, but the people were not permitted to drink any, it was for government workers. 

This may well be a profound wake up call to those whose political insticts are infantile, my ex-fellow New Yorkers.


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