Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

August 15, 2013

Graphs: debt and unemploymenet

I was listening to the WSJ radio show this morning and the twenty-somethings, who are reporters, were giving updates to their work as found in the Journal.  I was reminded of the BS people in college who gave reports as though they knew what they were talking about. They had affected speech and a flair for obvious dramatics.  Little did I know they would run things.  The normal people didn't pay attention to the affected ones; we went about our lives not worrying about organizing others.

The tone of the reporting was: why worry about this 90 billion dollar in contention, the debt ceiling, etc. when it looks like debt is going down. Things look up.  There are a few "yuks," at this point.

First, there appears no understanding that an exploding debt is an exploding debt, that a minute reduction in the  growth of exploding debt is not proof that we are recovering,

Then, there is no connection, apparently, between imperceptibly better numbers and the war in Congress over spending.  I could be precise and say some Republicans were being niggardly, but some child would think that I was quoting a rodeo clown.

The profundity of the ignorance of common economics is so deep there is no reason to discuss it. You get down in the road with twits, you stand up with fleas, or some such thing. Normal people know how the world works; normal being people who have had real jobs outside the government and education.   Unfortunately, they are presented with useful news, they get opinions from twits; some watch stand-up comics sitting down to discuss current events and think that must be getting the hip opinion.

The aura of "Wall Street Journal" makes one think the reporters are grownups. Facade is a dangerous thing.  So, let me just add this plain graph, the only reason I wrote this blog. No buzz, no spin, just "official" projections. You make of it what you can.

Note, this is a government produced chart.  For serious numbers go to Shadow Stats

Then, I heard three minutes of NPR, that is about my limit of listening to people talking there, and hear how great the housing market it.  As I pretend to be a broker, these days, that struck me as odd.
Seems the valley girl reporter (you can tell when sentences end with an uptick, especially when  the person is attempting to show he or she is stating a fACT!) knew someone who sold a condo in Chelsea that they couldn't sell last year. Now, that is reporting. Yuk, yuk.

Oh, there is no inflation, too.  Yes sir, there is a domino effect in place and the housing market is fine.

This reportage is nothing more than a reprinting of PR from the government, large groups, or from the stock exchange press offices. I have seen this brain dead parroting, personally. In fact, I have issued PR releases. No one called me to verify anything. This is modern journalism in America.

You can see why every so often some NYT reporter is caught having fabricated a big story. No one manages and no one cares. Reporters are frustrated fiction writers, anyway.

The problem with all this white noise is that is creates an unexamined tapestry.  I hear perfectly nice and bright people say the darndest things. Things so insensible that you just stare at them, which they probably take as tacit agreement.

For the hell of it, here is a Shadow Stat for you:

Consider passimg this graph around.  The absurd unemployment rate for black is much higher.  It is terrifying. One would think it is purposely kept high to create racial turmoil. Actually, one should think that,.

You can read up on shadow stats background and you will be more comfortable with their numbers, if you are aware of the open alteration of government numbers to fit an agenda.

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