Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

August 13, 2013

Illusion 2 and Rosencrantz

No, I haven't released the coil of sanity. I like illusions, being a trickster, I suppose. I enjoy reminding myself that, as one hears in Rosencranz and Guildenstern Are Dead,  

Audiences know what to expect, and that is all they are prepared to believe in.

I find it curious how I get the quote reversed, all the time. This is because "is" remains, as long I live, a "copulative verb."

Yes, the dots are always white. The blinking is an illusion.  In the last illusion, the pink dots turned green, then vanished save one that seems to rotate around the center.

While this is all amusing, a form of humor which is often merely the surprise of defeated expectation. carry forward the notion of how we see reality.

I have long abandoned hope of using reason when talking to those driven by emotion; it took a long time to realize there are different sorts of minds. Its a "Mars" vs. "Venus" thing. They have emotional filters that define reality; this is the governing mode of most modern leftists, though it is not a definition thereof, of course. One could call them statists, as well, though it seems curious serfs fancy themselves as masters.  Must be some variant upon the Stockholm Syndrome.  Perhaps, it is more like being adopted by the Bloods, so you hate Crips and know how to organize the neighborhood, all you need is to collect protection money.

You can't tell these metaphorical people there are many pink dots, as they see the one green one zipping around. (The last blog entry) They ignore you. When something alters their view, like closing one eye, they quickly return to look at the curious dots properly, then the green one returns.  All is well when the green dot appears. This is the essence of man's primitive religious instinct.

There is no logic that will convince the viewers otherwise: global cooling-warming-change is not about causation; it is about use of dogma and, what the hell, you can always say the earth revolves around the sun, if you work at it. It is the rule of dogma and preservation of primitive security. The "scientists" adjust history and hide their assumptions so that the green dot keeps moving. Why, they even vote on it. Recently, a recent NSA document described how to spin the invasion of privacy; there was not even a hint that, perhaps, the invasion was wrong; there was only an assumption that the NSA is a religion that must be defended.

A Danish newspaper just conjectured, as I have been mumbling for years, we are entering a mini-ice age.  If this becomes demonstrably true, green dot will still reappear: Gene owns a car and it rained; therefor, Gene should be taxed because rain makes us wet. We live in the world that sees correlation as proof of causation. There is no arguing with that; you see "Bush did it." All one can do is gently touch upon the curiosity of assumptions; never upon the invalidity of conclusions.

People's perception can change. if reality really is uncooperative and it permits some people to stay alive. Unfortunately, "reality" is well under control, these days, until it snaps like, say, with WWII.

Reality's news comes from stand-up comics and all the news that fits. Indeed, many people actively participate in maintaining an irrational bias. They get to have a good job, work up some megalomania, and make nowhere plans for everyone.  They remind me of the local staff of the Roman or English empires. The wogs who strut about doing their masters' bidding. There are no self-proclaimed serfs on this farm. In a republic, one can be a citizen; on the farm the only choices are: farmer or pig.

Reason, you see, is a trap of European, white males who, from their pig pens in the ninth century, realized that through formal education they could be racists, though they had never seen another race. Recently, we hear that ever word in the English language is racist. (The denunciation was in English.)

As I say, I have given up trying to use reason and am trying to figure out where I am going to go when the European, white males realize a concentration camp has been build around them by the ruthless, but mentally challenged. There is nothing more vicious than violence born of reason. Why do you think the governments permit the use of flouride in our water?

One way to keep control is to maintain a stupid populace. From  Canada Free Press

Brainwashed, dumbed downed, Led astray, Education, Common Core, Main Stream Media

The Confused and Misguided Youth
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh (Bio and Archives)  Monday, August 12, 2013 
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Dr. Thomas Sowell, Economics professor, economist, writer, and sage, encapsulated brilliantly what ails our youth. “The problem isn’t that Johnny can’t read. The problem isn’t even that Johnny can’t think. The problem is that Johnny doesn’t know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling.”
And the culprits are the American public education, an ever growing lack of religious education, and the indifferent parenting that does not question what children learn or do not learn in school.
Young people in any generation tend to be naïve, idealistic, and gullible; it is easy to sell them anything because they confuse feelings with rational thought. They are told so often and so early in life that they are special that they form a distorted view of themselves.
Undeserved praise is layered at every opportunity, even when Johnny walks across the stage without tripping. We can’t possibly hurt his self-esteem. Competition is evil, it is bourgeois, everybody knows we are “equal,” nobody is special in any way; we are all born with the same IQ, same abilities, mental capacity, intelligence, talent, no genetic irregularities whatsoever. Why even try to learn, compete, be the best that you can be and achieve excellence? Those are capitalist values....
I accept the theme of Dr. Sowell and the article, a curious reaction for me, because it is what I believe to be true.  Or, is it the other way 'round. Unlike the Marxist view, however, I do not see a central power as any solution. More centrally collected money dedicated to dumbing down students does not quite seem right.

There is a primitive instinct to follow the leader that has defined history but for a blip of republican thought highlighted by origin of the U.S.  Ben Franklin commented the founders had established a "republic, if you can keep it." These were not idle words.

A republic requires an educated and responsible populace because rational individuals are the republic. It requires an understanding and deference to the RULES of the game, not a blind obedience to apparently good ENDS of the majority.  The Animals had freed the farm, but as Orwell pointed out, we have permitted the great leaders to weasel their way back. As long as the "leaders" generate fear and other emotions, they can maintain control over simple, primitive serfs.  They need only increase the voter rolls of the poorly educated.

Ayn Rand saw it all before and saw the tyranny built upon the collective coming to the U.S. It was not great prognostication; she was merely aware of human nature.  The Road To Serfdom was written about England, but was a huge seller in the U.S.; today, people would not understand its message. if they could read after a public education. People believe what they accept and, you know.

The instinct toward tyranny has merely evolved away from the use of large armies; generals are replaced by bankers who are long practiced in using money and debt to control the farm.  They are so good at this that the Animals do not even see they, now, work for others. Their stand-up comics ridicule the individual. The tyrants do fine, from a primitive point of view.

Better to rule in Detroit than serve the farm.

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