Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

January 09, 2014

Blatant Fascism: Probe of IRS Criminal Acvtivity

If you do not like tyranny, you had better replace the GOP drones.

Look what is being done regarding the recent criminal activity by Mr. Obama. Like Hitler, he will keep pushing until the only way to clean out the government will be ugly. To survive a republic requires intelligent citizens and honorable representatives. The first is questionable, the second is clearly not true.

It is incomprehensible that moral and awake Americans in  Congress just grumble on Fox TV and do nothing to protect the republic. They are, de facto, liars. There is strategy or game plan that authorizes conspiracy, lying, and illegal action. Get them out. Keep pouring the Draino. You do not compromise with someone shooting at you.

The Tea Party has been shot at and the marshal has appointed a hand of the boss that runs the gambling hall in town is running the farmers off the land to pretend to handle the problem.

Vote Primaries, where your vote counts. The party does not matter; the deadwood has to go.

If the following just meanders by without registering with you, I am sure the way to get your interest is to substitute Obama with Nixon. While this may wake up your dormant emotionalism, recall Nixon's first Watergate prosecutor resigned in protest over the appearance of interference.  The second prosecutor brought Nixon down so that the GOP demanded his resignation.

Now, think about Al Capone in the White House and consider wether he would ever resign for a crime or eliminate the complainant.  I sure hope you wake up.

From Washington Post:

JUSTICE: Feds pick Obama supporter to lead probe into IRS tea party targeting

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    The Justice Department selected an avowed political supporter of President Obama to lead the criminal probe into the IRS targeting of tea party groups, according to top Republicans who said Wednesday that the move has ruined the entire investigation.
    House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, and regulatory affairs subcommittee Chairman Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican, said they have discovered that the head of the investigation is Barbara Kay Bosserman, a trial lawyer in the Justice Department who donated more than $6,000 to Mr. Obama’s 2008 and 2012 campaigns, as well as several hundred dollars to the national Democratic Party.
    “The department has created a startling conflict of interest,” Mr. Issaand Mr. Jordan said in a letter sent Wednesday and reviewed by The Washington Times. “It is unbelievable that the department would choose such an individual to examine the federal government’s systematic targeting and harassment of organizations opposed to the president’s policies.”
    The Internal Revenue Service’s internal auditor revealed in May that the agency had been inappropriately targeting and blocking applications for tax-exempt status from tea party and conservative-leaning groups. In the immediate aftermath, Mr. Obama promised that the FBI and theJustice Department would investigate whether the IRS broke any laws.
    Eight months later, the investigation has not produced any public findings, and Mr. Issa says the FBI and Justice Department have stonewalled his efforts to find out what’s going on....

    Mr. Issa doth protest too  much. 
    Why not institute articles of impeachment? How many dozens of crimes constitute high crimes and misdemeanors? The Attorney General makes no excuses for not enforcing the law and overreaching. He can be impeached easily. We live in a republic, not serve drinks in a club. 

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