Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

June 28, 2014

More of the Same: The sociopaths are coming

Just a thought from an essay by Anthony Daniels, M.D. writing for Imprimis.

...Let me here interject something about the intellectual and moral corruption wrought by the state in recent years—and I don’t know whether it applies to America. The governments of Britain, of both political parties, managed to lessen the official rate of unemployment by the simple expedient of shifting people from the ranks of the unemployed to the ranks of the sick.  

This happened on such a huge scale that, by 2006—a year of economic boom, remember—the British welfare state had achieved the remarkable feat of producing more invalids than the First World War. But it is known that the majority of those invalids had no real disease. This feat, then, could have been achieved only by the willing corruption of the unemployed themselves—relieved from the necessity to seek work and relieved to have a slightly higher subvention—but also of the doctors who provided them with official certificates that they knew to be bogus. And the government was only too happy, for propaganda purposes, to connive at such large-scale fraud.  

One begins to see what Confucius meant when he said, 2,500 years ago, that the first thing to do to restore a state to health was to rectify the names—in other words, to call things by their right names rather than by euphemisms....


I took the liberty of making paragraphs. You can read the original by clicking here. 

In addition to heaping people onto welfare and social security, Amerika has also dropped people off the unemployment lists if they take too long to find a job, if ever. Some 20% of the workforce is out of work are close enough. Talk to you coffee servers and you will find most of them have useless college degrees, so they serve coffee to pay down their $75,000 loans to the government. Anyone not understand indentured servitude?

I will add some graphs, at some point, but the situation, now, in the U.S. is an inverted pyramid where a smaller and shrinking group is and will pay for the majority. The evil ultra rich already have their assets out of the country, so the literate with a job will be broken (and told it is the fault of the rich. This is so 1930 it is embarassing.) 

It is already happening and anyone awake will realize the end times are near. Talking about all this is incredibly boring, at this point, but someone may catch on. Each human to become conscious will be an asset.

The Marxist schools all agree that a nation is brought down by creating a majority of people who are addicted to government. When the economic ends comes, the army, SWAT, the Bureau of Fisheries, Barnie Fyfe and so on, will institute central controls and take assets. The president has already announced he has the power to take any food the smart people have stockpiled. 

Of course, America still exists as a crippled republic because we have 300,000,000 guns, and rising. You can see why there is an all out attack upon gun ownership. Watch for  false flag operations that involve children and innocent crowds. 

So, either prepare or enjoy the game.

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