Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

August 10, 2014

Big Amazon Is Watching

It has gotten boring talking about global cooling, warming, change, cooling and the UN committee organized to prove whatever it is was caused by man. It has gotten boring talking about the intentional subversion of the Constitution by the Cloward-Piven academics we voted into power because of the nice black man who is clean and speaks well, as grandpa veep described the young Indonesian. I have even given up, for  now, on demonstrating how the Constitutioni has been corrupted, you know such as the following are not natural born and cannot be president: Obama, McCain, Cruz, Rubio, Jindal.

My current interest has moved away from trying to explain complex matters to true believers who received discordant information as an attack. I have taken to writing a book. It is well underway as the topic is simple and little research is required. Also, everyone, even the LIV, low information voters, and the simply stupid do not like to be suckers.

A lie is the telling of untruth to or the withholding of truth from those who are entitled to hear it. This comes from my days at St. John's where I meandered through theologcial concepts. This definition is brilliant. It even permits "white lies" which are the lubrication of society. "No, you don't look fat." No one is brutally honest, all the time. No one I met, I suppose, as they would quicly find themsevles living in the wilderness of northern Ontario.

I am demonstrating how reason has been defeated by well-organized subversive activity that Marxists (with many aka aliases)  have perfected over the last hundred years. 

At the heart of this subversion is the matter of lying. The end of our republic and culture came quickly as people were programmed to accept lying as thought it were a little social error, like burping in public. Indeed, in politics people applaud "their" liar who performs well during a "debate." In times past, when we were doing fine, a liar was never applauded and they remained in the shadows, even the powerful, lest they be arrested. It was the Republicans who forced Nixon to resign. He was a liar. You have to be over sixty, I suspect, to understand what I am saying.

We all dislike being told a bold faced lie. If a person you know deals lies to you and you stay "friends," you are morally lost and without any self esteem. You are the battered spouse who stands by her man. When a talking head lies to all of us, we shrug and go about our daily business feeling powerless to address the black hole of government; never forget:  all evil needs is for good to do nothing. We have been carefully stripped of the ability to see and react to liars. All evil need to is convince us it does not exist.

Consider the public claim, below, of Amazon, concerning ebook rights. There is a perfectly poised discussion about the future of the "book." Amazon, of course, favors ebooks.  For all its organizational genius, Amazon has an odor about it that is seeping out. That smell that has long waifted out of Google and Facebook where is an quiet "fuck them" directed at you. Both work with the government and provide deep background about YOU. I recommenet

It is really too bad about Amazon.  I even have a "prime" membership, but evil wins when good is silent, so I will let that go and see if I can buy stuff elsewhere. Amazon and Disney could organize nations and run them well, but one wonders at what expense.

Disney produced Beethoven, a children's story where a big dog was the object of interest of dog nappers who had a new gun or bullet and they wanted to see what it did to a large skull. Yes, a Disney children's movie. Amazon is brilliantly organized to provide service and value, but what does that mean when it overtly lies to us in order extend its control? Are addicts to the pusher? Probably, but consider going cold turkey.

If you think this following is no big deal, you have been desensitized and will do nothing in the face of evil. The corral gate has alread closed behind you as you wander of to the feed trough and go about being fattned.


Dispute Between Amazon and Hachette Takes an Orwellian Turn

Maybe Amazon really is rattled by the whole Authors United .phenomenon organized by Douglas Preston...
Late Friday, Amazon unveiled Readers United, and encouraged e-book buyers to email the chief executive of Hachette, whose address was helpfully provided.
In introducing the group, Amazon made the same arguments it has been making in the last few weeks: e-books need to be cheaper and Hachette is robbing readers by preventing this from happening. It also provided a list of recommended journalism on the topic — a very selective list...
The retailer argues that people against e-books are against the future, and talks about how the book industry hated cheap paperbacks when they were introduced in the 1930s... to clinch its argument it cites the wrong authority:
George OrwellCredit Associated Press
“The famous author George Orwell came out publicly and said about the new paperback format, if ‘publishers had any sense, they would combine against them and suppress them.’ 
...when Orwell wrote that line, he was celebrating Penguin paperbacks, not urging suppression or collusion...
Here is what the writer said in the New English Weekly on March 5, 1936: “The Penguin Books are splendid value for sixpence, so splendid that if the other publishers had any sense they would combine against them and suppress them.” 
It is ironic, a term I rarely use as it confuses me, that Amazon, the premiere book seller, rewrites the history of George Orwell, the author of 1984 where Big Amazon uses double-plus-good newspeak to erase content contrary to its desired history.

All this in the quest to create a Brave New World as in Farenheit 451.

Lies such as this are not oversights, not a mistake by some clerk, or other dope like a former academic. Amazon purposely promulgated an untruth and withheld truth from those entitled to it. This is an insult to a long history of writers. Fuck 'em, right?

If someone lies to your face with a smile, you are a fool to ever believe them again. There is no little lie and, as Einstein wrote, if you cannot trust someone with small things, how can you trust them with big ones? One cannot become a little pregnant and a single case of ebola is not a one-off event to ignore.  Each of us must think and take an active moral stand or forever shut up.

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